Welcome to the site devoted to the treasury secrets of Chinese Emperors. This knowledge was kept in secrets for several centuries and only elite persons got access to these doctrines. Now it is time to reveal secrets. People who know these secrets and have enough self-control and firmness of purpose can get all the blessings of the life.
To change your life for the best, you should follow steps described in Chinese feng shui doctrines.
- 1create your individual feng shui map. It means: your best geographical direction, numbers and colors which bring you success, riches and health. You can order it in the section Individual feng shui or create it on your own with the help of book "Create Your Luck with Personal Feng Shui"
- 2Harmonizing of interior. You should balance energy in your apartment or house. To harmonize the energy you need to neutralize your negative directions and activate positive ones. Every room has the peculiarity in harmonizing of energy. So be careful and read doctrine attentively in order not to make worse. The book "The Treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches" will help you to create positive interior feng shui.
- 3Energy enhancement, healthy rejuvenating nutrition and meditation. To meditate correctly you should harmonize outer and inner energies. The first and second steps help to balance outer energy and partly inner. Meditation, energy enhancement and right nutrition harmonize inner energy. Meditation and feng shui will transfer you to the new level of life, where you can plan and create your life and events according to your desires. Books to help you in meditation: "Make your dreams come true with meditation " , "Energy Enhancement. Mudras - Feng Shui Basis " , "Five Elements Healthy Nutrition - Feng Shui basis "..
To get the blessings you should think correctly. We propose you ancient Chinese doctrines about correct thinking adapted to the modern life. You can find them in the section “Positive psychology ”
Secrete FENG SHUI Knowledges
"The Treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches" (ebook)
This book is an illustrated Feng Shui doctrine, that provides you information about U-SIN system of five elements (the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water). This ancient knowledge helped successful people during all centuries and actual nowadays as never before. We live in the most suppressing surroundings and Feng Shui can harmonize and enhance our energy, fill our life with happiness, health, great career, healthy and clever children, prosperity and love.
Feng Shui is capable to create favorable events, determining the destiny. From the first minutes, as soon as you built Feng Shui in conformity with individual Feng Shui map, you start to feel comfortably, because you have created the new world not subjected to influences of other people. The power of Feng Shui framework constructed in conformity with date of
a birth of the person, collects from splinters of a human life a life which goes right.
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"Create Your Luck with Personal Feng Shui" (ebook)
This book contains secrets of numbers, which will help you to realize your desires. These doctrine provides information:
- individual geographical directions promoting success, riches and health;
- information, that is necessary for construction of your Individual Feng Shui map;
- the colors of clothes influencing on destiny, financial Prosperity, personal Happiness and Health (calculated depending on year of birth);
- secret of the imperial sizes forming full breakdown or safe prosperity. This is special secret which is capable to bring to you success in money, straight away six kinds of success and rich happiness of emperors of ancient China;
- Feng-Shui calendar specifying the days marked by Earth success depending on your element for the period from 2008 till 2010
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Make your deams come true with meditation. Free e-book
This book is an illustrated Feng Shui doctrine, that provides you information about meditation. You can find here consecutive steps how to reach the high point of meditation-bardo and get to know how to rule your life and fulfil your desires in meditation.
Meditation is a fine way of daily influence on the health worldwide and formation of the future happy and successful events of your life. Healing of the spirit makes the person even more handsome, and skill to form desirable events in the life allocates him with harmony and absolute happiness.
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Energy Enhancement - Feng Shui Basis (ebook)
People keen on old Indian or ancient Chinese culture, are well familiar with old Indian and Chinese literary monuments. A phenomenal opportunity owned by the person repeatedly described in these products. From these ancient references follows the energy enhancement allowed ancient hindus and ancient Chinese to levitate, it means to lift the body above the ground.
So by means of Meditation with the help of energy enhancement you can create a happy life, having invited in it the love, tenderness, adventures, a warm gentle sea breeze, sharp sensations and become a financial well-being magnet. How to enhance the energy, stable the health, to heal the energy for happy and prosperous life, you can learn from e-book "Energy Enhancement - Feng Shui Basis"
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Five Elements Healthy Nutrition - Feng Shui basis (ebook)
This rejuvenating nutrition system is one of carefully protected secrets which were used for success by emperors of ancient China., charming geisha of modern Japan and the richest people of the world use this today. Moreover, all those who consider for necessary to be healthy, beautiful, and safe and look like much more younger use this system.Rejuvenating and health-improving effects are reached by presence in food of all necessary micro elements provided through the Five Elements Healthy Nutrition. Five-element nutrition and breath create high-grade blood, which is an optimum building material for improvement and rejuvenation of cells. Five-element healthy nutrition can use any person in any age, selecting for himself five categories of products from those products which he likes also which are preferred for his (her) organism.
And the earlier the person will start to eat five-elementary, the less time is required to become your skin velvety, and body healthy and stronger.
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How to get all the pleasures of the life - magic of positive psychology. Book 1 Free e-book
It is cool to own something real, because there is not so much real in the world. And the magic Psychology is that true technique which allows to learn by means of mind to grant the desires and to stop readout lost of days and years. Everything begins to find sense owing to Magic Psychology.
It is necessary, to be on the sunny side of a life, should learn to define influences of negative Yin energy and positive Yang energy. Negative Yin energy and positive Yang energy connect to emotional streams very closely and with your fortune. The sunny side of a life connects to positive Yang energy. Positive energy can be accumulated and transformed from negative energy. If you sincerely want to solve your problems, to grant your desires and to realize your dreams, it is necessary for you to move purposefully to the sunny side of life. Only there, you will find a guarantee that everything, you want, will come true and you'll get all the pleasures of the life.
Every second , minute turn into year and if the person expects happiness, but does not go aside the sunny side of a life, his chances to find what he wants and to construct around himself that world which he wants, are lost for ever.
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Steps to gain the treasures of the life - magic of positive psychology. Book 2 (ebook)
All people have identical starting opportunities to transform the life in a happiness and gain all the treasures of the life. Every person has an identical opportunity to be happy, but only ones take advantage, and others do not. In this book you will find out the universal method of attracting happiness to your life. Magic of positive psychology guarantees to transform you in a happy, cheerful, and successful person.
Life consists of two streams of emotions: negative and positive. Negative emotions guide a person to failure and to poverty; positive to success and riches. Try to discover in any situation something positive. Certainly for this purpose, it is necessary to think more and filter a negative emotional stream, transform it in positive one, to accustom mind to perceive and form positive emotions.
In this book you'll get to know how to change the life and to transform it into a holiday and how to operate positive and negative energy, how to transform them into the powerful tool, aimed to help you in realizing of your desires.
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Magic words to set life on the happy track - magic of positive psychology. Book 3 (ebook)Comming soon !!!
Words are the God. How do they incorporate in sentences depends the happy destiny of a person. Not betraying due value to the words or playing with words, the person plays with own destiny.
Everything, that is necessary for us, is only magic words. Our life gives a choice of words every day and all our destiny depends from this choice. The happiness does not come by itself, it should be invited during the life.
I suggest to make today magic, when impossible becomes real. Try considerably to change the life to the best for you, having taken advantage of secret of people, whose life rises upwards, instead of to slide downwards. Present pleasure to you and execute the dreams by means of words, by means of "magic" words, from which depends our happiness and rich. You can get acquainted with its secret in electronic book
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- Feng shui e-books
- Free feng shui books
- Individual feng shui map
- Personal feng shui
- Inrerior Feng Shui
- Meditation
- The fulfilment of desires
- Healthy rejuvenating nutrition
- Energy enhancement. Mudras