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Rules of arranging interior to activate luck and happiness in all spheres of the life.


Articles related to Interior feng shui free articles

Creating Harmony: The Ultimate Guide to Feng Shui for Your Bedroom
Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, is grounded in the belief that the arrangement of space can influence the flow of energy, or Chi, within an environment. Understanding the foundational
Roses in Feng Shui: Bringing Harmony and Love into Your Home
Roses have long been celebrated for their beauty and fragrance, but did you know they also hold special significance in Feng Shui? This ancient Chinese practice focuses
Boost Your Pet's Wellbeing: Feng Shui Tips for a Successful Cage
Feng Shui isn't just for homes and offices. It can also be applied to your pet's cage to create a peaceful and positive environment. Happy pets make for happy owners, so let's explore how you can use Feng Shui to enhance your pet's wellbeing.
Feng Shui Tips for Hotel Room Decoration
Originating from ancient Chinese philosophy, Feng Shui is the intricate practice of harmonizing individuals with their surrounding environment. This art of placement strives to optimize the flow
The dining room is more than just a place where we eat; it's a sanctuary for family gatherings and heartfelt conversations. Using Feng Shui flowers in this space can significantly enhance the room’s positive energy
Feng Shui and Orchids
Plants play a crucial role in Feng Shui due to their natural ability to purify air and invigorate spaces with life energy. Among the various plants utilized, orchids hold a special place. Orchids are not only aesthetically pleasing but also symbolize fertility, elegance, and luxury.
From Cubicle to Corner Office - Feng Shui Tips for Success
If you are trapped in a small cubicle everyday at work, you know how limiting it can be. Views of the outside are rare and feeling cramped and crowded is common.
Bathroom Accessories for Feng Shui Decorating Style
The bathroom is an important room in the home for those who are using a feng shui approach to create positive energy for a happy life.
Feng Shui Affects Babies Too!
This is not one of those articles about feng shui and sex, although feng shui does affect fertility in many different ways. It is not about feng shui and pregnancy either
Feng Shui to Help an Infant Sleep
Many new parents fail to realize the real reason for their infant`s sleeping problems. The biggest reason many infants have trouble sleeping peacefully throughout the night is not that the child is hungry
Encouraging Feng Shui in Your Office Place
As any corporate worker knows, there is more emphasis placed on productivity than on creating a feeling of balance and contentment in the workspace.
Creating Positive Energy in the Playroom
When many people think about feng shui, they often do not consider how it can be used in areas of the home that are designed for family and children use.
The Perfect Feng Shui Colors for Your Bathroom
Most homeowners think little of their bathrooms. They are simply a room in the house that needs to be cleaned a bit more vigilantly than others, but not much thought is given beyond that.
Making Bedroom Walls Flow with Feng Shui Principles
Feng shui is not just a decorating principle, it can actually improve your sense of well-being and happiness. In the bedroom, feng shui can also improve your sleep.
Kitchen Remodeling the Feng Shui Way
Kitchen remodeling can be one of the most exciting renovations in a homeowners life. The thoughts of a brand new kitchen, filled with light and airy space, can be almost too good to be true.
Headboards That Are Perfect for A Good Night`s Sleep
How important is your bed`s headboard? According to feng shui decorating experts, it is important to a good night`s sleep.
Clearing Clutter to Improve Your Mood
Feng shui is all about flow and balance. If your home is cluttered, that flow and balance is hampered and the feel of your home is less peaceful than you may desire.
3 Ways to Use Feng Shui to Create a Relaxing Child`s Room
Feng shui principles are not only for adults bedrooms. They are perfect for creating a relaxing child`s bedroom.
Using Bathroom Fixtures for Feng Shui
Feng shui is an ancient belief that demonstrates how to balance the energies created in any room. Feng shui helps to create an atmosphere that contributes to good health
Feng Shui for the Guest Bedroom
Most of the rooms in our home are easy to design using the ancient Chinese feng shui style, but sometimes the guest bedroom gets overlooked as one of those spaces that we forget about.
Eco-Friendly Appliances Are Good for Kitchen Feng Shui
Feng shui is not just about balance from a symmetry aspect, although this is one of the key characteristics of the room.
Best Accessories for Dining Room Feng Shui
The dining room is the space that sees a great deal of traffic in your home, often filled with people at least three times per day on an average day.
Designing a Perfectly Yellow Kitchen
Yellow is a versatile and cheerful color and a great choice for a space where you want to add energy and vitality every time you walk into the room.
Making Brown Work for Bathroom Feng Shui
Feng shui is the Chinese idea that everything in your life works together to create an energy field that controls your emotional, physical, and financial well being.
How Purple Affects Bedroom Feng Shui
Feng shui centers on the ancient Chinese belief that everything in your life, both animate and inanimate, creates an energy field that controls your emotional well being.
More Nursery Feng Shui Tips
Your baby`s bedroom, normally called the nursery, is the place that he or she spends the most time. It should be the most peaceful room in the house,
The Best Colors for Home Office Feng Shui
Your home office is your chance to earn a primary or supplementary income, and using the ancient Chinese feng shui design style can be the best way to maximize the room`s potential.
Is Feng Shui Important for the Nursery?
Your baby`s room is the most important room for that little one, providing a safe place to sleep and grow during the first few months of life.
Sexy Master Bedroom Without Red Energy
Red is a shade that is best used only in small amounts in the bedroom, since it adds so much passion and energy that you may not be able to sleep soundly.
Representing The Feng Shui Elements in the Dining Room
Decorating a home in the feng shui style means that each room within the home should represent each of the five feng shui elements.
Importance of the Earth Element in the Kitchen
The earth element is one of the most important elements for your kitchen, since it relates to feeling satisfied by food, nourishment, and food preparation in general.
Adding Metal for a Modern Feng Shui Living Room
Metal is the perfect compliment to a contemporary living room, but that does not mean you should rush out to find a big chunk of metal for this space’s décor
How to Use Red in a Child`s Room
Children have very high levels of passion and energy without any help from color, so it is very important to know how to use red in a child`s room.
Increasing Productivity With Feng Shui Office Decor
Your home office is your source of income if you work from home, and the main source of income if your job allows you to work entirely out of the home office.
Representing Metal and Earth Elements in the Kitchen
Earth is another critical element in the kitchen, because it protects against fire and can really have a tremendous impact on the room
Why Feng Shui is Important in the Bathroom
The most obvious answer is that you shower in the bathroom, meaning that you and your family literally address this major cleanliness issue in the bathroom.
Feng Shui Decorating Tips for the Dining Room
You want the focus in the dining room to be on food and dining, since eating is the reason for this space in the first place. Use different accessories to symbolize food
Adding Energy to Your Workout Space with Color
Feng shui decor is about achieving balance in the space, not about mystic objects or yin-yang decor styles. Balancing energy and peace will help eliminate
Using Feng Shui Style Without Overwhelming Your Apartment
It can be very easy to inundate a small apartment in furniture, accessories, and accent pieces, in addition to colors and shapes; while the goal may to to give your apartment a sense
How to Combine Office Furniture with Feng Shui
Technology and feng shui do not always go hand-in-hand, and sometimes our best efforts to combine what we need in the home office with the elements of feng shui go unrewarded to say the least.
Living Decor To Represent the Earth Element
Life and living things are the best way to implement the earth element throughout your home, with dozens of opportunities to bring living decor in as part
Feng Shui Design Elements for the Living Room
Aside from the kitchen, the living room presents one of the largest amounts of traffic in your home, and this is also one of the first rooms that guests and visitors see once they are inside your home.
Decorating With Metal in the Bathroom
In Feng shui, it is a common belief that metal and water do not mix, and this is true in a lot of cases throughout your home. However, most of us are well aware of the many ways that decorating with metal
Importance of Feng Shui Decor In Your Entryway
The first impression that people have of your home comes from stepping into the entryway, especially that all-important first visit.
Living Room Feng Shui: Representing All the Elements
Like any other room decorated in the feng shui style, the living room should be about balance and order. Balancing yin and yang in the living room is about finding the right placement for things,
Adding The Five Feng Shui Elements To Your Garden With Color
A garden is the perfect place to create a spot for peace and tranquility at home, regardless of the weather, or how large or small your available space may be.
Making The Fire Element Part of Your Dining Space
Although not one of the strongest or most prevalent elements for your dining room, the fire element is still an important part of balance and feng shui.
Using the Water Element in the Kitchen
The kitchen is the easiest room in the house to decorate with the feng shui style, since so many of the elements are represented by the things in the modern kitchen, from fire to water and more.
Using The Fire Element in A Child`s Room
If you are familiar with feng shui decorating, then you know that the fire element can be the most difficult element to implement in a bedroom since it promotes energy and creativity in a room where
Must Haves For Your Feng Shui Office
Just like any other design style, there are certain key elements that are required in order to decorate your office using the feng shui style. Without them, you might as well try a different style,
Home Office Organization for Positive Chi
A lot of feng shui design articles discuss how to use the elements correctly, what colors should be represented and where, and how you should balance yin and yang
The Effect of Organization on Cabinet Feng Shui
Each part of your kitchen can be affected by positive or negative energy, depending on a few very important factors. The cabinets can be a primary source of negative energy if the
Representing Elements in A Home Office
There are five elements in the feng shui doctrine - earth, fire, water, metal, and wood -each of which should be adequately represented in your home office if you are trying to maximize your positive
Using The Earth Element In A Dining Room
Contrary to popular belief, there are actually many different methods of using the earth element in a dining room when you are designing the room in a feng shui style.
Using the Wood Element in a Child`s Room
Using the feng shui decorating style in a child`s room can be a challenge, as it becomes slightly harder to work in each element and bagua correctly.
Using the Water Element in the Bedroom
Water is one of the five basic elements that have an affect on your chi flow, negative or positive. When you design a bedroom based on feng shui


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