The Wealth Poster or treasury map is a tool to help us determine and visualize our goals for material goods. It should be done on a good day for you according to the Calendar provided in my e-book " Create your Luck with Personal Fen Shui " and on active moon.
With the understanding that money and wealth do not buy happiness, health or love, we can feel free to ask for material goods for the sake of having and enjoying material goods. The poster must contain very small and very big objects, as well as objects that are very inexpensive and others that are very expensive.
Make sure to you ask primarily for items that you will need or love to have in the next calendar year, but also add items you would like to get in the next 5 -10 years.
The Treasury map Poster can be as little as 11x17" or as big as 24 x 36". It can be made of cardboard, foam board, cork. It can also be made out of a bulletin board or a memory board. This poster should be made of favorite color according to individual Fen Shui map to accumulate positive energy for granting your desires (You can create it with the help of e-book "Create your Luck with Personal Fen Shui"). You can glue the images of the items or you can tape them or fix them with temporary solutions.
Make a list of what you want to have from small to big subjects then look for images that represent items you would like to include in your Wealth Poster. You do not have to include every item in your list and you can add items that were not on the list originally.
So divide the poster on 9 equal parts
4 | 9 | 2 |
3 | 5 | 7 |
8 | 1 | 6 |
- relates to Career, Life Mission and Individuality
- relates to Marriage, Love and Romance
- relates to Health, Family and Community
- relates to Wealth, Prosperity and Self Worth
- relates to Center of Good Fortune and Gratitude
- relates to Spirituality, Helpful People and Travel
- relates to Children, Creativity and Entertainment
- relates to Wisdom, Self Knowledge and Calm
- relates to Fame, Reputation and Social Life
In the first part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Career, Life Mission and Individuality.
In the second part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Marriage, Relationships and Partnerships
In the third part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Health, Family and Community
In the fourth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Wealth, Prosperity and Self Worth
In the fifth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Good Fortune and Gratitude
In the sixth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Spirituality, Helpful People and Travel
In the seventh part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Children, Creativity and Entertainment
In the eighth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Wisdom, Self Knowledge and Calm
In the ninth part position the image of what you want to have and that associates with Fame, Reputation and Social Life
Some of you might have found that it started working even from the moment you made the list, before you had put the poster up.

This poster should be positioned at the best area you can view it at any time according to the Best geographical direction for You to stimulate the granting of desires, to get know your best geographical directions according to the date of birth you can in my e-book "Create your Luck with Personal Fen Shui".