The fulfilment of desires

To get all the blessings in life you should think correctly. I propose you ancient Chinese doctrines about correct thinking adapted to the modern life. The first part of the doctrine is free of charge and you can download it from the site or read it online. The first part contains optional information about correct thinking. The second part contains definite instructions of creating positive thinking and forming the future. The third part provides you with a powerful secret that helps you to realize your plans with the help of magic words.

Recommended e-books devoted to Positive psychology

How to get all the pleasures of the life - magic of positive psychology. Book 1

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How to get all the pleasures of the life-Positive psychology It is cool to own something real, because there is not so much real in the world. And the magic Psychology is that true technique which allows to learn by means of mind to grant the desires and to stop readout lost of days and years. Everything begins to find sense owing to Magic Psychology.

It is necessary, to be on the sunny side of a life, should learn to define influences of negative Yin energy and positive Yang energy. Negative Yin energy and positive Yang energy connect to emotional streams very closely and with your fortune. The sunny side of a life connects to positive Yang energy. Positive energy can be accumulated and transformed from negative energy. If you sincerely want to solve your problems, to grant your desires and to realize your dreams, it is necessary for you to move purposefully to the sunny side of life. Only there, you will find a guarantee that everything, you want, will come true and you'll get all the pleasures of the life.
Every second , minute turn into year and if the person expects happiness, but does not go aside the sunny side of a life, his chances to find what he wants and to construct around himself that world which he wants, are lost for ever.

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Steps to gain the treasures of the life - magic of positive psychology. Book 2

Steps to gain the treasures of the life -positive psychology book 2All people have identical starting opportunities to transform the life in a happiness and gain all the treasures of the life. Every person has an identical opportunity to be happy, but only ones take advantage, and others do not. In this book you will find out the universal method of attracting happiness to your life. Magic of positive psychology guarantees to transform you in a happy, cheerful, and successful person.

Life consists of two streams of emotions: negative and positive. Negative emotions guide a person to failure and to poverty; positive to success and riches. Try to discover in any situation something positive. Certainly for this purpose, it is necessary to think more and filter a negative emotional stream, transform it in positive one, to accustom mind to perceive and form positive emotions.

In this book you'll get to know how to change the life and to transform it into a holiday and how to operate positive and negative energy, how to transform them into the powerful tool, aimed to help you in realizing of your desires.

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Magic words to set life on the happy track - magic of positive psychology. Book 3 Comming soon !!!

Magic words to set life on the happy track -positive psychology book 2Words are the God. How do they incorporate in sentences depends the happy destiny of a person. Not betraying due value to the words or playing with words, the person plays with own destiny.
Everything, that is necessary for us, is only magic words. Our life gives a choice of words every day and all our destiny depends from this choice. The happiness does not come by itself, it should be invited during the life.

I suggest to make today magic, when impossible becomes real. Try considerably to change the life to the best for you, having taken advantage of secret of people, whose life rises upwards, instead of to slide downwards. Present pleasure to you and execute the dreams by means of words, by means of "magic" words, from which depends our happiness and rich. You can get acquainted with its secret in electronic book

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