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Make Your Dreams Come True with meditation

Chapter 5 - Meditation allowing to touch the eternal

I am asked very frequently the same question, but in different variations

Sam  *** Tell me please, what does the person feel when meditates.
Yours faithfully.

Mike ***I tried to meditate for many years, but all the time I get in a closed space reminding sitting in an iron box or in a closed premise. Yours faithfully.

Margo *** Hello. Everybody  are so praise meditation, but nobody can describe it exactly. Only Oh  and Ah !!  
Please explain. What are the general sensations, what do you feel?

Michael *** I Write to you because some of your advice about meditation helped me to have new sensations and to make meditation deeper. I have already agreed with you, that to stop consciousnesses is not final point of meditation. Could you  describe all complex  of sensations, which should be during meditation.

Certainly, I shall describe the sensations with pleasure because they are pleasant because it transforms grief, despondency and even the deepest depression in unique, remarkable, inaccessible in any other situation of sensation.

First, I study pulses and  select pertinent mudra. Then I concentrate on an imagined point and my consciousness gets in some closed space. Then there is a delightful sexual feeling that is necessary to cause artificially with the help of memoirs earlier, and now it comes itself without any efforts. Then there is a warm movement upwards in coccyx area , the mentality tension   disappears, and the body starts to shake. This shaking  is the Trance during  the process earlier sublimated  Endomorphin, being split similarly to atom, turns to a fine energy. From under tongue, starts to ooze out the oily sweet liquid, this is the Elixir of a youth. After that on a place of the imagined point, there are shining flashes, which are formed in a fireball passing in a luminous cloud. The cloud and flashes in each separate meditation each time can be of new color.

Then in the center of a cloud is formed hole and a cloud starts to remind bagel. In the process of strengthening of concentration the bagel starts to share and reminds movement of rings of the smoke which has been exhaled by the skilful smoker. Speed of formation of these rings increases, they turn to a tunnel where the consciousness is absorbed and the movement begins.

Right at the beginning of movement, you can feel a blow on your head. If you not expect this blow, the consciousness disconnects and you remember nothing. If you expect this blow, the consciousness slips this dangerous site and flies up.

During rise, it is possible to see a leaving body if to look downwards or shinning, not burning and not blinding kind living sun, to which you rush, if to look upwards. By the way, when you look downwards you feel that you are vanished somewhere, and when you look upwards, you feel, as if you take off from a body. Then having not reached the sun, at the end of a tunnel, spring out on a flat platform. On this platform, the consciousness has an opportunity with the help of idea to imagine whatever you likes. What you will imagine, there you will find yourself.

If you imagine the past, you will find yourself in the past. If you imagine the future, you will find yourself in the future. If you think of a problem, you will solve a problem.  To solve a problem just think about it and in a physical life it will be solved. It reminds computer game when you put a helmet on and find yourself in other world.

To stay on this platform it is possible only until there is enough energy that was sublimated in a body. It is like the automobile, you go while there is a gasoline. When energy ends, the consciousness automatically involves back in a tunnel.

When flying  back on a tunnel it is important not to hit about something in the beginning of a tunnel, because consciousness can forget everything, what was and there will be nothing to recollect in a body.

Then the consciousness immerses in a body, eyes open, that is all, travel is ended.

Specially for amateurs of meditation I have prepared the program " The Energy enhacement. Mudras". This book will help amateurs of astral travel because process of sublimation, a trance and meditations pass with mudras much more quickly.

mudras finally equalize energy balance in an organism and due to this, all processes pass easily and quickly. All great prophets and saints used mudras.

Look attentively at reproductions of pictures Buddha, the Christ, Gods  of Hinduism  pantheon, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu. Look on Taoism  and at monks of the well-known monastery  Shoaling. All of them are frequently represented with mudras.

Even legendary ninjias and artful kunaiti successfully used confidential mudras for alignment of power balance of organism. Meditation, sublimation, healthy nutrition and mudras rejuvenate all tissues of an organism.

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