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Make Your Dreams Come True with meditation

Chapter 2 -Sublimation of the energy

Sublimation is a process of absorption of a sexual hormone in blood and origin in coccyx area sensations of heat and a pleasant pulsation.Sublimation arises during erotic stimulation or sex, that do not end with men ejaculation or women short-term orgasm.

After successful sublimation, there is a sensation of long-playing orgasm. Long-playing orgasm achieves by long sexual stimulation because of which the sexual ectoplasm is being absorbed in blood and causes pleasure for a long time. Long erotic imaginations, the long coitus, or other necessarily long modes excitation can cause this excitation.

The most important at long sexual stimulation is to bar from men ejaculation discharge of a women hormone from uterus. All secret and essence of sublimation consists in that. During long sexual stimulation, the sexual hormone imbibes in blood and by that, having caused warm in coccyx area, orgasm from short-term transforms in long-playing one. The longer is the procedure of sublimation, the more and longer will be orgasm.

This orgasm will be with you everywhere and always, whenever you are. Skilled sublimated persons turn their life in continuous orgasm with breaks on meditation in the event that they correctly use five-element nourishment and maintain the health in the good form.

The five-elements nutrition is necessary for Sublimation, because a hormone which is soaked up, can be formed only from the food containing necessarily five confidential categories of products. However, each coin has two sides. Sublimation can be pleasant and useful, but also dangerous. Danger consists in the following. 

If the ectoplasm during coitus of sublimation will be not absorbed or will be soaked up incompletely, doubtless, men will have prostate inflammation and women will have ovaritis that can grow into a serious disease with a time.

So the ancients recommended the following to avoid it :

1. To prolong the duration of sexual or any another sublimation coitus up to the possible maximum.

2. To make the traditional ending of the coitus with usual orgasm felling first every second time, then ones in three days, then once per week, then once per month as Chinese emperors did.

3. If you are a man, the earliest, after one year you have started to feel usual orgasm in mode of the Chinese emperors, namely ones per month, at a regular sexual life.

You can try to press by forefinger or middle finger on VC 1 point and by that, to prevent ejaculation in great stimulation when the sperm is ready to escape. If you are before this term will start artificially to interfere ejaculation as the numerous statistics shows, your genitals can get very swollen view.

Before to start pressing point VC 1, observe your ejaculation. It should be very liquid and transparent. In this case, danger of an inflammation of genitals threatens you less. Women’s process is more complicated. In this case, to define a degree of readiness of ectoplasm to full absorption is possible only by taste of a liquid which will start to collect in nipples. 

Taste of it should be sweet and very oily. In case of a mistake women are threatened with an inflammation not only genitals, but also mammary glands. To tell the truth, with these inflammations is possible to cope with the help of acupuncture. This standard practice described in ancient Chinese texts. I suggest you to follow another path.

Prolong coitus or other sublimation acts as much as possible. How many liquids will be soaked up during the coitus, so much it will be. The rest I recommend to direct in usual orgasm. 

Due to this usual orgasm, after the coitus in an organism will be nothing that could cause inflammations. Everything, what is necessary, everything will be soaked up, what should escape outside, will escape. 

You will feel double pleasure, pleasure of usual orgasm and pleasure of  long-playing sublimate orgasm.

I recommend you before engaging in sublimation, to master programs "Rejuvenating nutrition system", Energy Enhacement. Mudras ".

When sublimating  you will feel easy heat in coccyx area , and the cavity of your mouth will be filled with a sweetish oily saliva or is more exact the Elixir of a youth, relax  and  plunge in  Trance, on its termination  go through the turning tunnel in Meditation, to indescribably fine Bardo gardens.

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