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Make Your Dreams Come True with meditation

Chapter 6 - Bardo

Process of stay in Bardo accompanies inexplicable pleasure. You will penetrate where you want without difficulties. Therefore, it is very important to know, what do you want, in order not to run the risk and remain in pleasure.

There is no time in Bardo. Time exists only there, where human heart beats. For us, people, being in Bardo, however is possible to feel time because we are connected by a thin string of consciousness to our throbbing hearts. 
Time  is in our consciousness, instead of in Bardo.  In Bardo you can meet with light - emitting essences to which it is worth to chum.

Examine yourself. Having concentrated on some part of a body, you will find out, that you become transparent, that your body is only a game of light and flashes.

Be cautious and attentive, do not hasten, do not irritate feelings, and do not allow to run high and to engulf yourself. Concentrate and look around attentive and kind sight. Understand, now you can become what you want.

Remember, you cannot be killed; it is impossible be lacerated, as in earthy existence. Do not allow, you get a fright; otherwise, as through break ice you can fail in the world of the true troubles and tortures.
Be careful of involuntary feelings, let kind-heartedness will be your main sensation. If you see white, even light do not go on it. It is a way of Gods, it is distinct from human ways.

Bar from anger, it can insurmountable pull you to smoky, dark light of the Hell. It will seem such heating , warming. Do not look at this as though tender, smoky, and dark side. 

This is a way in Underworld, whence will be long return outside. Avoid any dimness and all that absorbs, instead of radiating the light.
Pay attention only to pure and radiating lights.  

Being in consciousness on a flat platform antechamber of Bardo, think of the innermost dreams and they will be embodied, as though in a reality, because an idea and a reality in Bardo is  the same thing. Moreover, having imagined a real situation, you can program for it that development which do you want. For example, you love someone, and this person does not pay attention to you . Imagine a real situation, and then imagine, how this situation should develop. When you return to a body, everything  will take place precisely how you have programmed it in meditation.

Some people engage in hooliganism and program beloved to make such acts which would be impossible without meditative programming. Having seized meditative programming, be correct to people.

If you do not have enough money, you can create a situation in meditation, you are invited to work for other organization where your monetary compensation for work will meet to your representations about validity of payment.

It is possible to program whatever you like in meditation. It is possible to change the past, but for this, as a rule, there is no energy. And when it suffices, such necessity as a rule disappears, because You have changed values and outlooks on life.

It is much easier to change the present and the future because it is not created yet, and you are the creator of events of your life. Only imagine event, which you would like to create and after returning from meditation, it will start to be embodied in a life.

However, it is possible and not to program events. It is possible simply to enjoy them, being in meditation. It is much easier, less troublesome because with this event it is not necessary to live when it will bore, and  less pleasant, than in a reality. 

You can enjoy sensation of the dream realization precisely so, how many fuel you had sublimated in a material life. When fuel will end, you will softly involve through the tunnel back in a body.

If fuel is not end, but you want to return to a body, it is sufficient only to think of returning and you will leave Bardo easy and softly.

Many of you due to five-elements nutrition and ancient mudras will learn correctly to sublimate, to fall into a trance, transforming Endomorphin in energy and to meditate through the turning tunnel to get in vestibule of  Bardo.

Many people want to glance what is behind bardo limits. Having stepped forward you will find out that you fly.  

You can fly, accepting any forms. In the first flights, I have tried the form of the plane, and the form of a cloud, and the form of genie. I flew on the magic carpet, studying vicinities of Bardo. 

Travelling in a such way I have found out confirmation of the information received by me from my Teachers, that the world in which we live is a sphere with two holes. 

One hole is above in the center of Bardo entrance. The second can be found out, having started up in travel for limits of this entrance, at the very bottom of a sphere where we live.

Through this hole, you will get after death in a womb of women, which become your mother. Having started up in travel for limits of Bardo entrance you will find out, that the below you go down, the colors will be the more gloomy and gloomy. 

The closer you will go down to the bottom hole of Sphere of a life, the more clearly will feel karma wind which will tighten you in the bottom hole of a sphere. 

This karma wind draw diseased souls in the bottom hole of a sphere, having got in which you forget all that experience for 9 months, which had before hit in the bottom hole of Sphere of a life.

Having been born again, should pass decades that you have recollected everything, what was earlier with you till the next birth. Subconsciously recollecting all last experience, you will pull again in meditation and you appear again in vestibule of Bardo.

However, while time has not come yet for the next birth, I should remind you of the safety precautions by travelling outside of Bardo entrance.

As I have already spoken, never go to dark areas, which will draw you, by sweetish smell with easy smack of sulfur, it is Hell. Neither till death and nor after don’t allow yourself to get there.

As I was told by Teaching me, if in meditation to get in these Spheres, the way will be difficult and long because in dark areas there is energy current, to overcome which  is the more difficult, the further you go deep into these black areas. 

At this time, your body can be in coma. Also do not go to light areas, they also tighten you and from there it is difficult to return. Your body can be also in coma.

Keep clear of karma wind, it also can tighten you in a womb of the woman from which it will be possible to escape only after her death during parturition. 

If you can casually tighten by karma wind, and you have not yet died, so you cannot be born again and can become the reason of death of the woman.

I recommend you if you cannot overcome desire and will step for limits anteroom of Bardo, to keep closer to Sphere of a life, as it is possible. If you will be pulled with some current light or dark, think of your own body and come back in it. 

I think, that within the limits of platform Bardo, realizing your  dreams, it is possible to derive enough pleasure from it, because the idea in Bardo is as though material also everything  instantly embodies only after your thought.

Remember, only those ideas and events are safe in Bardo , which you have already dreamed in a life or which already have occurred to you in a life. Never investigate anything and do not search in Bardo anything new. This is guarantee of your safety. 

Remember, that the strong body is an anchor, which is connected you with reliable and durable hose through which in meditation life impressions are supplied to you, as to cosmonauts administered oxygen when they leave in outer space.

Find time to recover your health before the meditation.


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