Feng Shui For Your Cubicle

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While feng shui for your office is important, not all of us have a real office at work that we can decorate to our liking. A great number of us have only a cubicle for our own use, and we are rather limited in how we can decorate this area. In fact, we rarely even have a say as to our desk placement or position, let alone the ability to make major changes to our own space. Here are some helpful tips for adding a feng shui element to even a cubicle:

  • If your desk does not face the entrance of your cubicle, it is acceptable to use a mirror to reflect negative chi and maximize business potential.

Since customers and clients traditionally enter the door, you need to be able to greet each with a smile and a welcoming facial expression. Use a mirror to see the entrance if you cannot position your cubicle so that your desk faces the entryway. There should be no mirror in your cubicle if you face the entryway. You can also use pictures of water, such as beaches or lakes, to promote the career bagua in your cubicle. Since the career/water bagua should be in the same area as your entryway, hang the picture in this section. Pictures can also be a great way to create a more open feeling, as they can resemble windows.

  • Use accents to represent sectors and/or elements, in order to maximize productivity and success on the job.

This includes adding a small fan to blow away negative chi, putting a piece of red tape or drawing a red line, on the back of your chair to reflect negativity, and so on. Just as experts recommend adding a tree to either side of your home`s entryway, adding live plants on either side of the entrance to your cubicle can be a great way to add an element of safety to your cubicle. It also invites positive chi, the biggest benefit of the feng shui style.

  • Even a colored flower pattern can promote and invite positive chi in a feng shui cubicle.

If you do not have a real cubicle to work with, such as those who have only a desk, then creating something such as a flower pattern with the various feng shui colors and baguas can be helpful. The flower should have a distinct center for t`ai chi, then the eight distinct colors for each sector as well. Tape the flower to the bottom of your workstation, such as under the keyboard.

  • Keep your cubicle clean and tidy.

Although most of us have the help of cleaning crews who come in after we leave and tidy up, this often consists only of vacuumed or swept floors and empty litter bins. Use your own cleansing products, such as a rag and environmentally friendly cleansers, to keep your desk, monitor, keyboard, and storage space clean. Instead of keeping the original design, make sure you maximize the cubicle`s potential with placement of each item.

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