There are 3 types of luck according to the ancient Chinese doctrine. Each type of luck contains 33.33% and together they form so called Trinity of Luck. We have the power upon 2 of them to improve our luck and there is only one we cannot control.
Heaven Luck - this is luck that has already been fixed by the heavens for you the day you are born. We do not and will not have control over it. It is called the Fate.
Earth Luck - This is the environment we are living in, which deals with our locations and the things around us. To improve it we can use Feng Shui. It will help us to enhance good forces or to prevent any bad forces. This luck you can learn to control applying my e-books on Feng shui:
"Create Your luck with Feng shui" and "The Treasury Feng Shui Secrets of Success and Riches"
Human Luck - This is about yourself and your upbringing. It is about what you can achieve through education and willingness to work hard towards your goals. You can definitely control this luck. This luck you can learn to control applying my e-books on Positive thinking "How to get all the pleasures of the life - magic of positive psychology". You can read this book online.
Therefore, having the right mindset and attitude is important. The right mind to believe that there is a science of getting rich while applying Feng Shui, you already control 66.66% of the Luck you need for your life! So do not miss the opportunity to bridle your Luck.