General Feng Shui Marriage Advice

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Marriage is a special relationship, different from any other close relationship you will have during your lifetime. It needs a lot of work and special attention or the two of you will grow apart and the result could be divorce or, at the least, a troubled and stressful marriage relationship. Feng shui marriage advice could save your marriage if it is in trouble already, but if you start with these practical general feng shui marriage advice pieces early you can keep your marriage strong and happy, never reaching that bad level.

Get rid of black and blue in the bedroom. In fact, totally minimize the appearance of the water element throughout the master bedroom to avoid tears in the relationship. Use a very small representation of water to balance the elements but focus more on passion instead, since this is the emotion that makes a marriage strong and healthy. Accessories, artwork, and accents that give off strong vibes of sexual energy and romance are perfect for the master bedroom.

Pink, red, and white are classified as marriage colors. This is primarily because they are symbolic of love and romance, but they do not have to be true shades of these colors. Other colors in the same families are also suitable, especially for the master bedroom, and can be utilized for anyone who is not a fan of pink or red. Guys are not normally thrilled with the idea of a pink bedroom, so make sure to work in these powerful shades in a way that makes him happy as well.

Natural elements such as fresh flowers are essential. We do not always have time to stop and pick up a fresh bouquet very often, but artificial flowers are fine so long as they very closely resemble the real thing. They symbolize life and growth, which are both critical to any relationship that you want to be healthy and strong. A marriage takes a lot of hard work and accessories that represent nature symbolize the ever evolving and growing nature of marriage, as you work toward living harmoniously.

Use groups of two whenever possible. You do not need two beds obviously, but pairs of two represent the marriage couple (or couple who lives together) and they are great reminders and encourage positive energy. Most people choose candles and similar romantic items in pairs of two throughout the room, but other ideas include turtledove figurines, pairs of lamps or nightstands, matching wall sconces, and groups of even-numbered artwork types on the shelves or walls. Whenever two is inappropriate for whatever reason, try to use an even number as an alternative.

Turn the bed to face the door. Both parties should feel like the bed is inviting them for romance when they come into the master bedroom. Never face the bed away from the door since this can cause negative sexual energy for the couple. Awkward shaped rooms need special attention through accessories and accents if the bed has to face a different direction, but it could cause some problems for the marriage bed.

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The goal of Feng Shui is to achieve balance in all aspects of life. And there is nothing more delicately balanced than the relationship of marriage.
General Feng Shui Marriage Advice
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It can be very hard to find the right person to love, whether you are looking for a romantic partner or close personal friend. It is even more important to pick
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Use petal pink, hot pink or any kind of pink for flowers, heart shapes, wall paint, carpet, accent pieces. White and red are also excellent relationship colors.
Feng Shui Love Guide
Here are some widely believed Feng Shui tips to activate romance in your relationship: Check your bedroom, and harmonize it according to your feng shui,
Kua number and  significant other
Q- Can I find my significant other by Kua number? My Kua number is 5. A- There are two groups of people. Western group is with Kua numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Feng shui wallpaper for love and marriage
These Feng shui wallpaper for your screen can be used to activate sector of love and marriage .
Chinese weddings connected with culture and tradition closely. The following things are 10 necessary things for bride and groom, for their marriage is full of prosperity, love, happiness
By balancing this sector you can - find "the one", get married, put the hot sizzle back into your relationship, learn to trust people again, get along with all people
I want to get married, how feng shui can help me - FAQ
Feng shui makes miracles. The main is to use personal feng shui, For the second, use interior feng shui, For the third, meditate, For the forth, think positive and use positive words in your speech.
Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of marriage, love and romance, to attract your significant other, partner or a lover. Please, choose for this sector aromas that are plesant to you and your partner.
Feng shui knows powerful love talismans: first of all it is paired subjects, located in south-west.Two candlesticks, two vases or bowls, in a word any paired composition brings you luck in love.
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Main » Free feng shui articles » Personal feng shui » Marriage and Love » General Feng Shui Marriage Advice
Use Feng Shui Throughout the Home for a Healthy Marriage
All couples go through some periods during their relationships when there is a question as to their commitment and the strength of their bond.
Feng Shui for Singles
Single life brings with it challenges and opportunities that married life does not have. Instead of lamenting the fact that you have not found your true love
Feng Shui Tips for Stronger Marriages
The goal of Feng Shui is to achieve balance in all aspects of life. And there is nothing more delicately balanced than the relationship of marriage.
General Feng Shui Marriage Advice
Marriage is a special relationship, different from any other close relationship you will have during your lifetime. It needs a lot of work
Building a Happy Family with Feng Shui
Family relationships are pivotal to healthy living, and it has been proven that people without family bonds are less outgoing and successful in many cases
Feng Shui and Sexual Partners
Feng shui does not just govern our platonic family relationships, relationships with friends and coworkers, and peace in the home.
Using Feng Shui to Choose Your Love Partner
It can be very hard to find the right person to love, whether you are looking for a romantic partner or close personal friend. It is even more important to pick
The best feng shui love tips for finding true love
Use petal pink, hot pink or any kind of pink for flowers, heart shapes, wall paint, carpet, accent pieces. White and red are also excellent relationship colors.
Feng Shui Love Guide
Here are some widely believed Feng Shui tips to activate romance in your relationship: Check your bedroom, and harmonize it according to your feng shui,
Kua number and  significant other
Q- Can I find my significant other by Kua number? My Kua number is 5. A- There are two groups of people. Western group is with Kua numbers 2, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Feng shui wallpaper for love and marriage
These Feng shui wallpaper for your screen can be used to activate sector of love and marriage .
Chinese weddings connected with culture and tradition closely. The following things are 10 necessary things for bride and groom, for their marriage is full of prosperity, love, happiness
By balancing this sector you can - find "the one", get married, put the hot sizzle back into your relationship, learn to trust people again, get along with all people
I want to get married, how feng shui can help me - FAQ
Feng shui makes miracles. The main is to use personal feng shui, For the second, use interior feng shui, For the third, meditate, For the forth, think positive and use positive words in your speech.
Here are the aromas for the use in the sector of marriage, love and romance, to attract your significant other, partner or a lover. Please, choose for this sector aromas that are plesant to you and your partner.
Feng shui knows powerful love talismans: first of all it is paired subjects, located in south-west.Two candlesticks, two vases or bowls, in a word any paired composition brings you luck in love.
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