Secret source of power and prosperity

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I have read my first book about acupuncture one of sunny days. This book was less then general writing-book, but in a dense sound vinous cover. Thickness of a cover should give solidity and heaviness to this edition, because the content of the book was not very large. The meridians were described in it, their connection with organs, and methods of pierce and symptoms for application of the needles.

I thought acupuncture is something special, confidential and effective one. About forty years has passed, but this first book about acupuncture kept in my memory very precisely and clearly, especially engraved in my memory the next lines:

"Well-being, prosperity and success; poverty, a low social status and a shame - all this together with fulfillment of every desires is on spike of a needle. Correct points pierce can make every person happy and successful. "

The years passed away, I actively searched for secret of well-being and prosperity in acupuncture.

In addition, I have found it. When you will read up these lines, you will know it too. I have spent a lot of time of my life in studying materials devoted to this theme.

I have read, probably, any possible materials issued for last forty years. I studied at well-known and dear people, the names of which in the world of oriental combats are considered the legendary.

I have found out, serious experts in this region knew the secret of acupuncture, but nobody knows how to embody it.

Knowledge of its practical embodiment was kept only by rare masters of oriental combats, who practice not only methods of protection and attack, but also methods of recovery of health and strengths after the fight.

This very galaxy of masters has kept secret knowledge, which you can seize today and take advantage. However, before it let us find out the secret, known to any medical worlds. Secret, that can realize a few people.

As any expert in the field of acupuncture knew, the person is healthy, when his internal energy is balanced with an external world and inside an organism. A few people know how to reach it. Now you will know it also.

As a result of such balance, the person is always healthy and full of strengths. When there is no such balance, he is always sick and weakened. Health is final riches because being healthy you have strengths to reach every results.

It is not enough healthy people, because they do not know this secret. Healthy people have irrefutable advantage in every sphere of activity over unhealthy people. They have much more opportunities to be happy and successful.

When we are born, health becomes the important factor of our life. Health forms everything. Bad health forms bad life. Good health - good life. If we know how to enjoy good health, we know how to enjoy life.

What is the secret source of power and prosperity?

When we are healthy, we become an insuperable magnet for surrounding us people, for Success, Prosperity, Well-being and every possible Victory over lifestyle. Healthy people give birth to healthy children and the last one become pride of their parents and continuers of healthy generation. In fact, it is so important, children and people, surrounding us, are healthy.

When we are healthy, we work not because we should work, but because there is a desire to work, because work turns to fascinating game. Think of distinction when we should work and when we want to work.

When we are healthy, we can establish the great purposes and achieve them because we have strengths for these achievements. Health becomes the key factor of our achievements, which provide us the deserved income and financial freedom.

When due to health we can work qualitatively and effectively, when due to health finance dependence is not more relevant, there is an opportunity to study seriously our inner world and to realize our spiritual needs.

Being healthy, you can realize every Dream.

Health is a key to your well-being. If people worsen their health, their destiny deteriorates because those who are healthy and strength win social competition.

If people improve their health, their destiny automatically improves because strengths are poured into they and they reach the best results, than their contenders. Everything, what you should do for achievement of the best results, to be filled with health and strengths. Any other actions are secondary, because only at presence of health and strengths it is possible to execute even the most ingenious actions.

This training program will help you to find health and strengths for a happy life. Your work on practical mastering of the information placed in this book (Mudras) is fundamental for achievement of your Happiness and Prosperity.

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Feng Shui Wealth Pot of  Riches
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Main » Free feng shui articles » Personal feng shui » Wealth » Secret source of power and prosperity
Unlocking Wealth: Essential Feng Shui Principles You Need to Know
Feng Shui is more than just arranging furniture; it’s a holistic approach to harmonizing your living space to attract positive energy, known as 'Chi.'
How Shapes Affect Your Wealth
You might be familiar with the Chinese art of Feng Shui and its contributions to ancient and modern design, but the ancient practice of balancing chi
Feng Shui and Finances
With millions of get-rich-quick schemes available today, it becomes necessary to find the most effective methods of making money for your career
Add Prosperity to New Business with Feng Shui
If you are starting a new business venture, there are a number of Feng Shui techniques and practices that you can use to help insure its success. Since Feng Shui focuses on the impact that the
The Color of Wealth in Feng Shui
There are a number of different ways that you can use Feng Shui to attract wealth into your life. However, it's important to realize that the Chinese don't include only money as a measure of wealth;
The most off-stage secrets of Feng-Shui
Once my old friend has come to me and has told the history. He read many books about Feng-Shui and has tried all accessible techniques. Experimenting, he has lost nearly a significant
Secret source of power and prosperity
I have read my first book about acupuncture one of sunny days. This book was less then general writing-book, but in a dense sound vinous cover. Thickness of a cover should give solidity
Rectangular shape in feng shui
You can influence the feel of a place by the shapes of its objects. I would like to talk about rectangular shape in feng shui. Rectangular associates in feng shui with growth, with growth in
Your hair - your wealth
What kind of wealth do you want in your life? Do you want money or spiritual wealth. I would like to share with you a secret of how with the length of your hair to attract money, health or to grant your desires.
Round shape in feng shui for wealth
You can influence the feel of a place by the shapes of its objects. I would like to talk about round shape in feng shui. Circles are very auspicious and resemble hange or coins.
What can cause problems with cash flow according to feng shui
Do you wonder why some businesses are financially prosperous while others of equal merit fail? It's a well known fact that environment
Feng shui wallpapers for Wealth
Yin Yang fish - one red and one black. Fish creating a yin yang monad create harmony of man and woman. According to the Feng Shui principles they can be used as a mean to attract the money.
Prosperity and Abudance are two universal principles that can be activated in your life through understanding of energy and how it moves in your own self and in your environment.
This sector needs only one aroma. When this sector presents several aroma, it will work not properly or not for all power. Here are the aromas for the use in the sector
Secret of making your individual Wealth pot
Here is the secret of making your individual Wealth pot that is the most powerful instrument to attract prosperity, success, wealth and abundance.Choose the vase. It should be big ceramic or porcelain vase
Feng Shui Wealth Pot of  Riches
This is an extremely auspicious jar filled with overflowing treasure - gold ingots, gold bars, gold coins and pearls, all strong symbols of prosperity to signify accumulation of wealth and abundance.
Prosperity and abundance are extremely common Feng Shui goals. There are many ways to increase your prosperity and abundance through food and food related items.
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