When the person has own garden-plot, he feels mixed emotions. Emotions can be connected with hard work or it can be emotion of pleasure, sensation of safety and confidence in tomorrow.
The small house on the garden-plot can be cozy home, where it would be desirable to return, or a place from which it would be desirable to escape in the noisy city filled by various opportunities. Very few people know that these feelings can depend on color and from the form of paths, which are formed on garden- plots. The forms of paths which are every day inspire owners of garden- plots with holiday of happy of summer residences and houses with own garden- plot. In addition, such houses and garden- plots are perceived, as a gift of fortune.
What is poison arrow?
Garden- plots where paths have the form of " poison arrows ", bring to the owners only troubles and disappointments. " poison arrows "are paths if it is possible from the beginning up to end to draw a straight line.
On this very straight line, energy speeds up and turns in adverse because is a not retard on such garden- plot, and in its movement destroys that positive biofield, which endows by God to the Mother-Earth outside of a garden- plot.
The form of paths on the garden- plots can have prime importance if such " poison arrow " rests directly against on doors of the house. In that case, all good that is radiated from the Earth gathers and, being dispersed on this path, strikes human biofield, when the person each time enters or leaves the door of the house. If a path on the garden- plot is not direct, but meandering, energy cannot be dispersed and left the garden-plot.
Meandering paths accumulate curative energy of the ground and transform the garden- plot into the tank of energy which distributing energy through all garden-plot and enables the ground to bear fruit and please the owners.
During the war of the North and the South in the United States, in the South, planters had fine houses and wide, absolutely direct road rest on houses. It is known from history; all these houses have been burnt and destroyed. Historians told that it is war! Feng Shui told that it is result of "poison arrows". In the North, there was no such tradition that direct roads rested on houses.
In the North, all houses were under construction along road. Moreover, the direct roads have not been directed to doors of these houses, capable to generate "poison arrow". From the point of view of Feng Shui, northerners have won southerners, having destroyed their houses. Beware of such situation that opposite door of your house is direct path resting directly on your door. If you will find it, you can make the following. Formed Before a door a flowerbed, on the right and to the left sides there were paths for an entrance to a porch. As though was formed such circle, which have excluded an opportunity direct Hit of the dispersed energy in the house on the one hand, and on the other hand the energy, which could be dispersed, turns round, reduces its speed and remains positive.
Thus, the bed in front of porch of your house promotes accumulation of positive energy on your garden- plot that in turn promotes your health and crops in your garden- plot.
If you have an opportunity to make all paths of your garden- plot meandering, necessarily take advantage of it because meandering paths, do not allowing to be dispersed beneficial energy which is radiated from the ground, accumulate it on your garden- plot that promotes prosperity and health of your family.
Also, pay attention that paths were never in red color. Red color is connected with Fire element, which inherently aspires upwards. For this reason Red color of paths does not promote accumulation of energy on the garden- plot, and promotes moving of this energy upwards. It is adverse, because energy literally disappears.
Also pay attention, that gate on your garden- plot were not opposite to a door in your house located on this garden- plot because " the poison arrow " starts to be formed most intensively if one door is opposite to any other door or a gate. If it has happened so, that opposite to a door of your house is located a gate, from which leads the direct road to a door of your house, I recommend urgently either to transfer gate, or to change a configuration of a path, having made it meandering.
It is possible to place a round bed that swings energy flow, which were excessively dispersed and have turned in adverse ones. Meandering roads and their correctly chosen color create sensation of enthusiasm and in most magic way allow you to transform the world. You will feel stronger, healthy, become more active and more successful.
Simple Feng Shui rules, for example such as, the recommendation to transform a path of the garden- plot accumulator of curative energy of the ground, will allow you to feel yourself sexy and attractive.
You will have a rest on the garden- plot, feeling the same sensations as travelers who wander across Paris, Luxembourg garden and in other places because all these places entirely consist from meandering small side-street, where in Conformity with Feng Shui laws, accumulates positive energy of the ground. Having created on the garden- plot meandering paths, you give fortune chance to choose you.
About other Feng Shui secrets you can find out in the e-books "Create your luck with personal feng shui" and "Treasury feng shui secrets "