Q - What is the use of the wallpaper? Please, advise on how to use them.
A - Our wallpapers are destined for the monitor screen to balance your computer and the sector where it is located. Also you can print this wallpapers and you will receive the picture, that you can put in a frame and use it as enhancer. Choose the most liked wallpaper according to your target.
For example, wallpaper with roses you can set on your screen if your computer is in south-west sector provided that this sector is positive for you according to your individual feng shui map. This will attract passion, love and marriage to your relations.
The second example, you can print wallpaper with the most liked Dragon. Put it in a wood green color frame and hang on the east wall. This is the most powerful symbol of feng shui that can bring happiness and success in all spheres of your life. This enhancer is suitable for people with positive east sector according to their individual feng shui map. This position of the dragon will bring them and their family incredible flow of money and success in all spheres.
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- Feng shui wallpaper for happiness
- Feng shui wallpaper for love and marriage
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- Feng shui wallpaper for success
- Feng shui wallpaper for Wealth
- General feng shui wallpapers (set 10)
- Water feng shui wallpapers (set8)
- The use of wallpapers (FAQ)
- Murals and Feng Shui