What is the difference of banker`s thoughts with an opportunity to have a rest on yachts across Mediterranean Sea, people easily earning big sum of money buying apartments in capitals and villas on coasts and thoughts of hard working people and barely making both ends to meet - they have different way of thinking. A difference of thinking generates such distinctions between people.
Each individual in a life has to face with difficulties sour, as a lemon. You will not find pleasure on faces of people living hard, and chewing these lemons. People, who are rich, happy and charming, take these lemons and transform them into lemonade by transformation the problems in their new achievements. They know the recipe of lemonade preparation and add in it bubbles of pleasures.
You should learn to prepare lemonade with bubbles of pleasures from citric problems of a daily life. Lemons cause thirst and appetite. In addition, when thirst and appetite is impossible to satisfy, life becomes difficult and not so joyful. When you take your problems, divide them on components, choose in them healthy parts and develop them up to pleasant cool bubbling lemonade, you start to live easily, cheerfully, beautifully and happily, because you are able to place any adverse event in service and to force adverse to become favorable.
Know you the mechanism of transformation of adverse in favorable wittingly, today you would not work on a present workplace, but somewhere near to bankers who are having a rest on the yachts. You could live in Bentley's style, feel fidelity and tenderness of close people, you could a little to coquet with destiny, choosing between the best and the most magnificent. When the individual is able to transform adverse in favorable, he tests the dizzy pleasure passing in happiness.
The exact receipt of preparation of lemonade you will find in my best seller Steps to gain the treasures of the life - Book 2