According to the art of Feng Shui it is imperative for the chi to flow effortlessly in the bathroom as it represents abundance and wealth. Dirty, cluttered and broken down bathrooms will dwindle your cash flow. Here are some additional tips for bathroom
1. Cover the sinks and bathtub drains.
2. Display bamboo and have it reflect in the mirror. Bamboo thrives in any location and plants that grow upward represent money. As well, the reflection doubles the amount of the bamboo.
3 Keep the bathroom door closed.
4. Have good quality towels in the bathroom to show wealth and abundance.
5. Keep clutter to a minimum.
6. Open the window if you have one to let in fresh chi for circulation.
7. Clean with natural cleaners to aid in keep the chi fresh and vibrant.
8. Fresh flowers and plants are great for uplifting and cleansing the chi.
The more detailed information you can find in my e-books The treasury feng shui secrets and Create your luck with personal feng shui
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The bathroom is an important room in the home for those who are using a feng shui approach to create positive energy for a happy life.
Most homeowners think little of their bathrooms. They are simply a room in the house that needs to be cleaned a bit more vigilantly than others, but not much thought is given beyond that.
Feng shui is an ancient belief that demonstrates how to balance the energies created in any room. Feng shui helps to create an atmosphere that contributes to good health
Feng shui is the Chinese idea that everything in your life works together to create an energy field that controls your emotional, physical, and financial well being.
The most obvious answer is that you shower in the bathroom, meaning that you and your family literally address this major cleanliness issue in the bathroom.
In Feng shui, it is a common belief that metal and water do not mix, and this is true in a lot of cases throughout your home. However, most of us are well aware of the many ways that decorating with metal
Although we commonly focus on water in the bathroom, there are four other elements that should be adequately represented in order to maximize the room`s chi potential in a positive way.
What kind of pictures should I use in feng shui bathroom? A - You should be very careful in bathroom with enhancers,
According to the art of Feng Shui it is imperative for the chi to flow effortlessly in the bathroom as it represents abundance and wealth. Dirty, cluttered and broken down bathrooms will dwindle your