Feng shui is an ancient belief that demonstrates how to balance the energies created in any room. Feng shui helps to create an atmosphere that contributes to good health of the family and also contributes to good financial status of the family. Feng shui utilizes the Taoist understanding that nature is alive and has energy of its own that contribute to the overall atmosphere of the room. There are five basic elements that contribute to the energy in a room - wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. The colors green and brown represent wood; colors such as orange and pink represent fire; light yellow and tan stand for earth; metal is represented by white or gray; and water is obviously blue and occasionally black. Color is not enough on its own, so using bathroom fixtures to support positive feng shui is important.
Metal in Feng Shui
Metal and water do not go well together in the feng shui system of beliefs. The only room where it is possible to ignore that rule is in the bathroom. Due to the fact that the bathroom is one of the most highly trafficked areas in a home, it is of utmost importance to adequately represent each of the five feng shui elements. The easiest way to bring in the element of metal in a feng shui bathroom is to use metallic sink and shower fixtures. Feng shui also believes that a room should have as little clutter as possible to keep the positive energy flowing throughout the home.
Which Fixtures Should I Choose?
Sink and tub fixtures can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and finishes. Fixtures with classic or traditional style are ideal for a guest or child's bathroom. However, for the master bathroom, a modern look can be used. One such sink fixture for the master bathroom looks like bamboo coated with a brushed nickel finish. Bamboo is considered lucky in feng shui and teaches one to be flexible and allow your spirit to freely flow. Thus utilizing the bamboo style sink fixture not only brings in the metal element into your bathroom, it also uses the positive energy of the bamboo.
Tips for Good Bathroom Feng Shui
It is very easy to have loss of energy through a bathroom; therefore it should be prevented as much as possible. One way is to wrap red tape around each pipe that takes water away to prevent the energy from flowing out with the water as it leaves. The bathroom should also be kept clean and broken items should be either repaired quickly or removed from the house. Do not put the commode right next to the bathtub or shower as it hinders the energy flow in the room. Towels should be good quality, clean, and kept looking new so as to show wealth. Bring in live bamboo plants placed in a glass pot tied with a red ribbon. Bamboo can have three stalks for happiness, five stalks for health, two stalks for love, eight stalks for wealth, or nine stalks for good fortune.
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