To enhance the sexual energy in your bedroom with feng shui, use the right hand corner (from the entrance) of your bedroom to display symbols that activate the energy of love, such as a photograph of you and your loved one, a sculpture of lovers, or two sculptures, a heart shaped object, a crystal prism, a mobile, or a sensual painting.
- For an erotic bedroom incorporate the fire element by using candles and oil lamps.
- The bedroom should be in shades of red, pink, and garnet.
- Place a red object on the female night stand to increase eroticism in the female partner.
- place a tiny jar of copper scraps or something made of copper on the male's night stand. Copper represents the male essence and enhances eroticism to its fullness.
- To preserve sexual receptivity place a ruby or garnet on or hanging over the night stand. These stones are very energizing and powerful in attracting the opposite sex.
- Avoid having too many photos of friends or family members. The bedroom is a private place, the children and in laws should not be involved.
- Open your curtains and let sunlight into your room during the day. Let sunlight charge your bed with positive energy.
By incorporating these principles of feng shui in your bedroom you can create an erotically charged romantic retreat to attract a new lover or recharge the energy in eroticism in a relationship. Even if you can not apply every principle of feng shui into your bedroom, try to use as many as possible to get the erotic energy flowing. Display photos of the two of you doing things together.
Aromatherapy has often been used in sexual practices and rituals throughout many cultures and time periods. Scent has been used to attract lovers, heal a relationship; it has been used in the art of seduction and mentioned in the Kama Sutra. Cleopatra was known to have used a special blend of rose, cardamom, and cinnamon to seduce Marc Anthony. Basil was used by young Italian women to charm and bewitch potential lovers, ancient Arabic manuals giving advice on sexual matters refer to Black Pepper for its erotic qualities, Ginger was used by the Romans for its sexual enhancement properties, an Italian princess used Neroli to fragrance her gloves and bathing water, and Tantric disciples smeared Sandalwood on their bodies while celebrating sexual ecstasy.
The detailed description of the most off-staged Feng shui secrets I recommend to know from my my e-books Create your luck with personal feng shui and Treasury feng shui secrets of success and riches)
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