Sexy Master Bedroom Without Red Energy

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Red is a shade that is best used only in small amounts in the bedroom, since it adds so much passion and energy that you may not be able to sleep soundly. However, you want a lot of passion in the master bedroom if you are married or sleep with a partner, and there are ways to add that sexy passion without a lot of red. Take a look at just a few alternatives to create a sexy master bedroom without red energy:

Candles are a perfect way to add the fire element without the color red, and they are very romantic and passionate. A flaming candle is symbolic of the burning desire in our bodies for the one we love, and it provides the perfect ambient lighting for the master bedroom. Candles are the most popular choice for adding romance and passion in any room, and you can choose from a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and scents for that perfect finishing touch in your sexy space.

Fabrics can be very sexy, since we rely heavily on the sense of touch when we are feeling romantic. Consider this: Is it your partner`s touch or look that is the sexiest part of this event? For almost everyone, it is that simple touch that is the most enjoyable aspect of the occasion, so the perfect fabric is a great finishing touch. Smooth, soft, high-quality fabrics are ideal, such as silk, satin, cotton blends, and similar choices for bed linens.

You can avoid the blatant shades of red without losing red`s passion through shades that have red overtones. Most shades of pink, purple, orange, yellow, and some blues and browns have slight or prominent red overtones. Experts recommend utilizing one of these shades as a secondary color in a sexy master bedroom, choosing a peaceful shade for the room`s primary color so that you can still sleep later. Combinations such as purple, green, and white are tranquil but beautiful enough to still be romantic.

Sexy Master Bedroom Without Red Energy

Framed prints and photographs are another common way to invoke passion in the master bedroom. You could add a framed photograph of your wedding day, or any special occasion for the two of you, to create a romantic feeling in the room. Many feng shui designers advise that this be placed on the woman`s side of the bed, since it is so often the woman that needs the most help getting into a romantic and sexy mood. It can be on the bedside table or hanging on the wall for maximum effect.

Something simple can spark the moment. For instance, you could add a simple poster that says, "love you" to add romance to the room every time you enter together. This is a great way to announce to the world that you are in love, and you can use many different colors and shapes to create the slogan without spending a lot of money. You can design the slogan yourself or purchase something that is attractive and sexy.

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