Q - How to solve my problem of ceiling beam with feng shui
A - Ceiling beam considered to be a poisoned arrow so you should avoid sleeping, sitting, working, studying and so on under it. You should make most of your scope to avoid being under the ceiling beam.
If it is impossible you may try to alleviate the harmful energy hanging a three bamboo tied by a red ribbon or to hang wind chimes with appropriate number of tubes according to your individual feng shui map.
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Feng Shui is secret and partners of Fortune are on friendly with Feng Shui, because Feng Shui gives real chance to plunge a life of each person in absolute comfort. You heard expression "born under a lucky star ".
Feng Shui can become such happy star for many people. Peculiarity of happiness in the same time becomes not the fact of a birth, but the fact of carves a home by the person.
For example, to fill life with the absolute happiness is possible correctly having chosen a place for the house. If you attentively peer into an environment, you will see that in the mornings fogs settle in lowlands.