Feng Shui Colors to Enhance your World

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In Feng Shui, there traditionally are five elements which can be used to help create harmony and balance in your life, as well as to encourage the flow of positive energy. There are colors associated with these five elements that you can use in your home and work surroundings to enhance your life.

Water Colors

The colors associated with the water element are blue and black. The water elements are often associated with the career aspect of a person's life. Pictures or paintings of water landscapes are an excellent way to bring the blues and blacks of water into your surroundings. A small water fountain is also a traditional way of introducing the colors of the water element. Water elements are associated with the north area.

Fire Colors

The element of fire is associated with the color red. Fire is often associated with a person's reputation and fame. Red is thought to help bring a person the recognition that they desire, as well as bringing luck in this area. It is a very passionate color, filled with a lot of energy, which sometimes can be overpowering. When using red to bring this element into your surroundings, it doesn't have to be bright red, especially if it seems to bring too much energy into the space. Muted colors in the red family can be used as accents and wall art for the home. Fire elements are associated with the south area. Add the element of fire directly to this space buy shopping for candle holders and candle sconces online.

Earth Colors

The element of earth is associated with earthy colors such as beige and light yellow. Earth is associated with stability and nourishment, and offers protection for your relationships. You can bring these colors into your surroundings by adding terra cotta tile, or natural crystals. Earth elements are associated with the northeast and southwest areas.

Wood Colors

Wood is the element that brings vitality, health and healing into your space. It is representative of the energy responsible for growth, and is often considered an expression of abundance. This is why it's also often associated with prosperity and wealth. Brown and green are traditionally the colors associated with wood. Plants are a good way of bringing these colors into your living space. The east and southeast areas of your living space are associated with the wood element.

Metal Colors

The metal element brings lightness and clarity into your home. It represents precision and efficiency, and is often associated with things that are creative or helpful. The colors associated with the metal element are white and gray, along with the metallic colors. A metallic wind chime is often a good way to attract this type of energy into your home, as is wrought iron decor items. Metal elements are traditionally used in the north area.

Ways to Use Feng Shui Colors

Although traditional Feng Shui uses these colors in specific areas, and in specific ways, you can also use them to create more of an overall effect within your home. For instance, using these colors in your overall home decorating scheme can help bring the associated types of elements into your home. They also have an effect on how you think, feel and behave, and can enhance the quality of your life.

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