Feng Shui is secret and partners of Fortune are on friendly with Feng Shui, because Feng Shui gives real chance to plunge a life of each person in absolute comfort. You heard expression "born under a lucky star ".
Feng Shui can become such happy star for many people. Peculiarity of happiness in the same time becomes not the fact of a birth, but the fact of carves a home by the person.
For example, to fill life with the absolute happiness is possible correctly having chosen a place for the house. If you attentively peer into an environment, you will see that in the mornings fogs settle in lowlands.
Also the energy shrouding the ground plunges in lowlands together with fogs. In lowlands it collects, then stagnates.
If the house is located in lowland, the person feels himself at house constrained and moves as bearing a burden or overcome obstacles.
What are the recommendations of Feng Shui for house?
Feng Shui does not recommend to build houses in lowlands because in this houses it is necessary to spend forces for performance any work much more, than in more favorable places. If you are going to construct the house, do not build it in lowlands.
If you climb on the highest point dominating over district, you feel availability of influence of winds from all directions.
You feel southern wind, northern, western, east and feel an opportunity of influence of all wind rose. Whence a wind blows, it cannot pass the house which stands on the highest point of district.
Such house will be subject to constant influence of winds, whence they would not blow. People living at such house, will constantly feel tension because energy streams together with winds will constantly attack them.
At such house it is necessary to spend for any activity so much forces, how many it is necessary for work and resistance of constantly attacking energy. It would be good, if this energy keeps back for a while in the house and filled their owners with force.
But in the house which is on the highest point of district, it is impossible, because a wind, dispersing energy, having attacking influence on the person, carries this energy beside, creating an additional tension for owners of the house.
The best place for construction of the house is the place located hardly above the midway between lowland and the highest point on district.
At this level descending energy streams do not collect, and smoothly going down, as though caress the house and the people living in it, filling with energy approximately as the azure sea wave fills with energy of the person.
In turn, ascending power streams fill the house and inhabitants with inspiring force, optimism, health and activity of mind and body. In houses located at this level, are born healthy and strong children.
In addition, pleasure from sexual feelings attend people living in such houses more often because this level of location of the house promotes actively increase of sexual abilities of inhabitants of such house.
In such houses, there are seldom dissonances because of sex, and families are famous for their fortress and unity. In the houses located at a level hardly above an average level, animals do not ill, and the ground, as a rule, gives plentiful crops.
This level is optimum for a choice of a site. Choosing a site, it is necessary to pay attention to the rivers and roads. The rivers and roads are ways of energy movement. If the road comes near to your house, it means energy comes near also.
If your house is located so, that visually is made impression, the road leaves from your house, it means, that there is a picture before your eyes, when energy leaves such house.
Everything that is connected with roads is possible to relate to rivers. If the watercourse is directed to your house, energy arrives to you. If current carries away the waters from your house, energy becomes less.
In order to retard energy, it is possible to correct its movement.
For example, if the road passes by your house, it is possible to create a small platform before gate, which would resemble backwater and would carry out function of the tank for energy accumulation.
Often such platforms are small analogues of the areas before office buildings. Create before a gate of the house such small area and thereby you will create the additional tank for energy collection.
The same concerns to the rivers. Create small creek that the watercourse did not carry waters by your house. Let the flowing water carrying energy, will a little be late in your backwater and will work for happiness of your family.
It is very good, if road or the river carrying energy to your house will have meandering form. If the river or road is meandering, energy has no opportunity to be dispersed till the high speed and to turn in poisonous.
Especially direct roads transform salutary energy in poisonous. In addition, it is necessary to avoid places alongside with express lines.
If nevertheless your house has appeared near to such road, it would be good that near to your house there was a pedestrian crossing or a road sign limiting speed of movement.
In this case cars will be forced to retard the speed and in that way, slow down, to promote accumulation of energy near your house.
Braking, cars will transform poisonous energy of highways into favorable energy, which will bring Success in your house unexpectedly and quickly, forcing eyes to shine from life satisfaction.
About other Feng Shui secrets you can find out in Create your luck with personal feng shui and Treasury feng shui secrets