How to Use Red in a Child`s Room

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Children have very high levels of passion and energy without any help from color, so it is very important to know how to use red in a child`s room. Too much, and you will begin to notice that the child has sleeping problems, struggles to focus, and deals with hyperactivity beyond control. This is because red is a high-energy color, adding a lot of passion to any room, and this should be minimized in the bedroom at least.

Do not lose the fire element when you minimize red in the child`s bedroom. You need each of the five elements to be represented adequately in the child`s room, and this includes the fire element. This is necessary in order to keep balance in the room, so that none of the other four elements take over the space and create chaos. Use shapes or symbols to represent fire without adding a lot of red to the space.

Red can be a great accessory without overwhelming the room. Utilize the color red in a small way in your child`s bedroom without clashing with the rest of the room`s decor. For instance, a cute throw pillow on the child`s bed with red as one of the secondary shades would be sufficient. Make sure that the piece is not a focal point, such as one of several throw pillows to take the focus off the red, or the red will begin to add chaos to the room again.

Use red as an afterthought, never as a focal point. Red should only be a focal point in a room that can handle the extra energy, such as the dining room or outdoor living space. No matter how small the red piece is, if it is a focal point it will overwhelm the space very easily, and it would require a lot of work to balance. Red and fire is very powerful, and likely one of the most powerful of the five elements, so be very careful to balance this color with peaceful, relaxing shades and focal points.

Put simply, use red sparingly, if at all. As described above, there are several ways to incorporate the fire element without resorting to the color red. There are other colors that offer less passion but still represent fire, and shapes or patterns are adequate as well. Alternative measures are helpful, and there are dozens of fun shapes, patterns, artwork, decor options, and colors that add a small amount of passion and energy without adding anything that is red to the equation.

Be careful about shades that have strong red undertones. While we are focusing on how to use red in a child`s room, it is just as important to remember that some colors have strong red highlights as well. This includes many shades of purple, orange and pink, some shades of blue, some browns, and a few shades of yellow. Use these colors just as sparingly as red, to avoid red energy from unexpected sources in your child`s bedroom.

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