Is Feng Shui Important for the Nursery?

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Your baby`s room is the most important room for that little one, providing a safe place to sleep and grow during the first few months of life. Baby often spends most of every day in this room, so many parents ask questions such as Is feng shui important for the nursery? The answer is yes! Feng shui makes a difference even in your baby`s life.

Follow the same guidelines for creating a feng shui style child`s bedroom. This includes avoiding high energy colors such as red so that baby gets the most sleep possible throughout this time of growth. Red offers too much passion in a child`s room or baby`s nursery, so the most you should see is small pops of red in accessories. You can represent the fire element through shape or other images very easily, negating the necessity of using the actual color red.

Is Feng Shui Important for the Nursery?

Turn off the lights while baby is sleeping. You can keep a small nightlight or dim lamp available during feedings, but to improve your baby`s sleeping habits get the little one used to the dark. This increases the amount of melatonin produced by the body, generating a deeper and more restful sleep. Avoid light whenever possible, especially at night, as it decreases melatonin production and leads to poor sleeping habits.

Keep computer monitors and televisions away from baby`s bed. These emit harmful rays called EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) that decrease melatonin production. A sleepy baby who cannot get restful sleep is far more likely to be grumpy or fussy afterward. Other things that produce EMFs include microwaves, power strips, electric blankets, waterbed heaters, and computer towers, so keep these at least away from baby`s nursery. When you cannot avoid keeping one or more of these items in the baby`s bedroom, keep them at least a few feet from the crib.

The nursery should always be quiet and soothing. Some babies do not sleep well in total quiet, but the nursery should always be a calm and restful place. Producers of white noise, such as a machine that plays the sound of running water or crashing waves, can help baby sleep much more peacefully. Music choices should be strictly limited to relaxing sounds such as classical music. When possible, get baby used to no sounds so that deeper sleep is possible.

Use only positive images in your baby`s line of sight in the nursery. What your baby can see even before he or she can understand what is being viewed is very important, so be sure that you only display things that are happy and peaceful. A framed photo of your family is a great idea, as are baby animals, landscapes that are peaceful, or motivational phrases. Avoid negative images, such as volcanoes, sharks, rock music posters, screaming or crying people, or photographs featuring people who are not a part of your baby`s life. This last part is very important, especially if Mom and Dad are divorced and one parent is not a part of the little one`s life.

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