More Nursery Feng Shui Tips

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Your baby`s bedroom, normally called the nursery, is the place that he or she spends the most time. It should be the most peaceful room in the house, offering a quiet, restful environment during the formative months of life for your baby. There are dozens of ways that you can improve feng shui in the nursery, so here are some more nursery feng shui tips to maximize the positive energy flow and ensure that your baby sleeps better and deeper every day.

Clean up the Clutter

More Nursery Feng Shui Tips

A cluttered nursery is not a peaceful one, so keep the clutter to a minimum within this space. Although baby has a few necessities that tend to make a mess, such as diapers, store them out of baby`s line of sight. Keep other items that should be in the nursery, such as clothing, accessories, baby wipes, bed linens, and so on, in drawers or bins so that the room always looks as clean and tidy as possible.

If you share a room with baby, the same rules should apply to your things, and this is also the case if another sibling is sleeping in the same bedroom. Clutter decreases the quality of sleep that we receive each night, making it nearly impossible to get a restful night of sleep. Although it does not guarantee that your baby will sleep without interruption every night, it will go much farther toward providing that relaxing environment necessary to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Minimize the Yang Energy

Yang energy is awake energy, so keep it out of the nursery as much as possible, especially during the nighttime/sleeping hours. Yang energy is produced by light or living items, including live plants, night lights, aquariums, water or rock fountains, and so on, so avoid placement of these items in the nursery. They can decrease the amount of melatonin your baby produces, leading to less restful sleep, fussiness, and crying.

Another way to minimize the yang energy is to remove mirrors from the nursery, which produce light and are symbolic of natural lighting. Although some light is good for baby during the day, at night it will only keep baby from sleeping. Mirrors also reflect any source of light back into the room, so they act almost like a lamp to amplify all lighting.

Window View is Important

Your baby should always be able to see a source of life in the nursery, and the window is a great way to achieve this goal. Unless baby`s window faces a busy street directly, consider allowing the window blinds to be open or raised most of the time. Keep something green on or near the windowsill to promote life, such as a growing plant right outside the window.

Feng shui experts say that a wind chime or mobile placed outside your baby`s window will also promote positive chi. This is an excellent idea if your baby`s nursery is not in the best compass direction, the bed is positioned poorly, or if the room is somewhat cluttered due to lack of space or other options.

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