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Five Elements Healthy Nutrition

Possible proportions of products in recipes

Rejuvenating healthy nutrition system is an original system of preparation of culinary dishes from food stuffs of five categories. There are three kinds of proportions of products of each category in dishes of rejuvenating healthy nutrition system.

1) The first proportion - equal quantity of products of all five categories (20 % of products of each category).

2) The second proportion - any combination of products of each category.

3) The third proportion – the amount of products in inverse proportion to force the palpation of pulses in the points corresponding to each category of products.

The first proportion - equal quantity of products of five categories - has the greatest success for absolutely healthy people.

The second proportion - any combination of products - is most attractive for creative people.

The third proportion - force of palpation of pulses - the most attractive, most effective and most useful proportion for each person.

The technique of nutrition.

Wood Element - Green category is 100 %

Fire Element  - Red category is 100 %

Earth Element  - Yellow category is 100 %

Metal Element - White category is 100 %

Water Element - Black category is 100 %

It means:
20 % of green, 20 % of red, 20 % of yellow, 20 % of white and 15 % black will be used only 15 % of green, 15 % of red, 15 % of yellow, 15 % of white. 5 % from each listed category will not be assimilated. 

Prevalence of pulses of Fire and Metal elements.
For example, in such proportion

Wood Element  - Green category  is 80 %

Fire Element - Red category is 100 %

Earth Element - Yellow category is 80 %

Metal Element - White category is 100 %

Water Element - Black category is 50 %

It means, that pulse of Water element is the weakest. 

It means, products of Black category should prevail.


Here are the steps to know your Chi:

First step. Study pulses in CUN-COU area.

Second Step. Determine the weakest and the strongest element.

Third Step. Prepare a dish, add products of a category of the weakest element.

For example, fry on vegetable oil (Yellow category of products) pork (Black category of products) together with one tomato (Red category of products) that on volume is much less than volume of meat. Add cabbage (mixed White - green category). The five-element dish is ready where the Water  element is the weakest pulse.

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