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Five Elements Healthy Nutrition

Categories of products for healthy nutrition

Categories of products

The first GREEN category of products:

1. vegetable products with prevalence of fruits and tubers of green color, for example: a cucumber,  green onions, fennel, a parsley, kiwi, a green grapes, leaves of green salad;

2. meat products - chicken meat and the food stuffs made by the hen, such as eggs;

3. cereals - wheat and products from wheat, for example: white bread, wheaten part of  pizza, a wheaten dough, wheat flour, wheaten flour products;

4. food stuffs of any color and any origin with strong prevalence of sour taste, for example: an acetic acid, food vinegar, sour cabbage, sour tomatoes, sour cucumbers, sour wine.

The second RED category of products:

1. vegetable products with prevalence of fruits and tubers of red color, for example: red tomatoes, pulp of a water-melon, a cherry, red Bulgarian pepper, red beet;

2. meat products - mutton and food stuffs made of mutton;

3. cereals - millet and food stuffs from millet, for example: a flour from millet, porridge, a baked pudding from millet and other products from millet;

4.food stuffs of any color and any origin with strong prevalence of bitter taste, for example: bitter pepper, black strong coffee without sugar, and also any seasonings with bitter taste

The third YELLOW category of products:

1. vegetable products with prevalence of fruits and tubers of yellow color, for example: a pumpkin, vegetable oil, bananas, apricots, yellow grapes, yellow sweet cherry;

2. meat products - a beef and food stuffs made by the cow, for example: cow's milk, kefir, cheeses, oil, sour cream, fermented baked milk; The same categorys turkey and food stuffs made by it, for example: eggs;

3.cereals - rye and products from it, for example: rye bread, a rye flour, a rye dough, rye flour products;

4. food stuffs of any color and any origin with strong prevalence of sweet taste, for example: sugar, honey, raisin, all kinds of sweets with strongly pronounced sweet taste, very sweet confectionery products.

The fourth WHITE category of products:

1. vegetable products with prevalence of fruits and tubers of white color, for example: a potato, onion, garlic;

2. meat products - horse-flesh and food stuffs made by a horse, for example: mare's milk and products from it; fishs The same category and products from  fish, including - caviar; a duck and the food stuffs made by a duck, such as eggs; geese and the food stuffs made by them;

3. cereals: rice, buckwheat and the food stuffs prepared from it, for example: porridges,  flour, buckwheat oil;

4. food stuffs of any color and any origin with strong prevalence of causticity, for example: all burning seasonings from pepper.

The fifth BLACK category of products:

1. vegetable products with prevalence of fruits and tubers of black color, for example: black mountain ash, black currant, bilberry;

2. meat products - pork and food stuffs made of a pork;

3. cereals - beans and other representatives from leguminous family;

4. food stuffs of any color and any origin with strong prevalence of salty taste, for example: salt, all seasonings with prevalence of salt.  

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