Now in bookshops, it is possible to see plenty of books on psychology, on formation of qualities of the leader and other forms of self-improvement.
As a rule, they contains valuable, useful and a trustworthy information that in practice does not give desirable results because in any way offered knowledge does not connect with an opportunity of their practical application.
When the commander has a magnificent plan of military campaign, but there is no army, that could realize this plan, the plan of the commander turns to means for training imagination, instead of a real victory.
Army for a practical embodiment of any information is POWER. When the information is not supported by Power the situation reminds the plane, that has not been filled with fuel, the pilot correctly, presses buttons and is surprised, why the plane does not fly anywhere.
Absence of coordination of the valuable information with Power transforms even the most valuable information into a mere verbiage. Coordination not so valuable information with Power gives the result surpassing expectations.
It is necessary to coordinate the accepted information with Power, if you want to have positive result. To coordinate the information with Power is real, because it is natural.
Discrepancy of the information and Power mainly occurs because of simple ignorance about Power or because of insufficiently deep understanding of importance of Power in human life.
Connecting the information and Power, everything you undertake will be possible to you. Only with years people start to guess existence of Power because accumulate the experience confirming its power and importance.
The empirical way of knowledge of human Power is very expensive to people but when they learn secret of Power feel huge pleasure because their life suddenly starts to develop very successfully in comparison with what it was before.
Connection of the information and Power will allow you to order at elite restaurant of an oyster and royal shrimps with lemon juice when you want,. You will bathe in the sea not when you can, but when you want.
People will be excited from dialogue with you. You should not go on compromises with life any more, because you become the inhabitant of the happy life side. Connecting the information and Power you form time of total Success.
You can sometimes see on the TV silly people, which hold outstanding and enviable posts in the state and private establishments. You can look at them and ask yourselfe a question why they with their mind have managed to achieve such high position in a life.
You look at them, analyze their behavior, understand, that most likely you are more clever, but do not find the answer to a question how they managed to appear with their mentality so close to the top of a social scale of rank.
The answer is simple. Even a small amount of mind and the knowledge correctly connected to Power, enough, to find the privilege, comparable to privileges of deserved people or general favorites.
With the help of connection of the information and Power, there is an opportunity to increase the status quickly and to take advantage of new opportunities. With the help of connection of the information and Power you can solve material questions and popularity grows successfully.
People, who connect the information and Power, are enamored by the happy Destiny . They are always full of forces and new ideas. Connection of the information with Power forms enthusiasm and elation, maintained by a stream of compliments.
Link the information with the Power and life does not refuse you in the least. Solve the problems, grant the desires, and realize the dreams, simply connecting the information available to you with your Power.
Connection of the information with Power can guarantee to you not only huge achievements, but also huge pleasure. You eventually can connect the forces, the opportunities and the desires in result somebody’s thoughts are in a whirl .
People who do not connect the available information to the Power, as a rule get tired, live in the constrained conditions, operate in the straitened circumstances, take a meal, which is cheaper and not so tasty, as it would be desirable.
If you link your information with Power, thus you will make to yourself the patronage on the happy life side. You will be the welcome guest everywhere and the participant only of the pleasant meetings.
You will drive on a new auto and feel that comes fantastic times. Without connection of the information with Power your dreams will search shelter in the bottom of your heart, because absence of this link generates and bring up sensation of hopelessness, disappointment and that the life is miserable. For an embodiment of your dream and your desires, is vitally important to learn to connect the information to your Power.
You can read about Power in the third part of this book "Magic words to set life on the happy track" in Chapter 17 "Secret of discovery and a technique of mastering your Power ".