When you hear human speech around of you, from radio receivers, from the TV or from other sources, it is possible, you do not suspect, that among words heard or readable by you, there are so-called "magic" words.
Concentration of "magic" words among words that you hear or read, it is not so great and consequently their influence is not so appreciably.
If to increase the concentration of "magic" words in own speech wittingly, the same effect will turn out as, during presses of gold mining. As you know, during presses of gold mining take a plenty of stratum in which ton of stratum account for three gramme of gold.
Then stratum is crushed, washed out and separated from ton of stratum for three gramme of gold about which we have spoken above. Gradually processing ton after ton of gold-bearing stratum, mining grammas of gold, and then kgs and tons of gold.
Gold cast in ingots then it is bought by banks and jewelry masters. Banks settle gold with each other or sell to population. Jewelry masters produce jewelry and mounting for brilliants from gold.
The same can be with "magic" words. The huge quantity of words are around you, among which there are also "magic" words. If you learn to define "magic" words among other words, to write down them and then to increase concentration of "magic" words in the speech, eventually your speech will turn in "magic" and you will turn into a "wizard". Your "magic" speech can influence hypnotic on the world surrounding you and on you personally.
Due to magic words, you can have everything without gold, what is possible to get for gold. You can solve all problems and grant all desires and what can be fulfilled for money and what cannot be fulfilled even for money.
It is possible, because people perceive gold as money and as you know, it is possible to grant a lot of desires for money. High concentration of "magic" words will allow you to gain experience and great opportunities.
"Magic" words are able to solve any questions. Each time when there is a high concentration of "magic" words in your speech, you receive the result you want.
Having learned to concentrate in the speech "magic" words you feel uninhibited on the happy side of a life. Skill to work with "magic" words give you absolute advantage in dialogue with people.
If you search for beauty and happiness in a life, you can easily create and enjoy every day and every night with the help of "magic" words. With the help of "magic" words you can create the reality you want. "Magic" words never will allow you to be immersed in depression because they are the powerful tool of performance of your will. With the help of "magic" words, it is possible to convert any ideas into money and to transform dreams into the reality.
However, before to start to concentrate "magic" words in the speech, it is necessary to learn to define them among other words. It is simple and gives a huge pleasure.
With the help of "magic" words you can raise up to tops of the business world, execute all what once hoped and to locate on the happy side of a life. Possession of "magic" words is the best symbol of full vital success.
Having learned to define "magic" words among other words you get a guarantee of the well-provided future, because having learned to define words you can concentrate them in the speech and change the surrounding world according your rules. Certainly, you may not define "magic" words among other words, may not want to find road fortunately and always to be in fine mood and live that life which you live today.
If your today's life is pleasant to you, certainly "magic" words can be left for those who aspires to learn to transform humdrum of life into art and who appreciates time of the life because time inevitably decreases every second.
Nevertheless the majority of people hardly will miss a chance to transform the life with the help of "magic" words. I think, you are ready to take advantage of "magic" words because you know what you want.
And if you know, what you want, you know what you want to gain with the help of "magic" words. I do not see any reason not to take advantage of "magic" words, in order to fulfil you desires. You should make only one step to learn to define "magic" words among other words because, if not to make this step in the future, your heart would beat faster or stand still recollecting "magic" words.
"Magic" words are one of the biggest secrets that can be accessible to you today. To learn to define "magic" words among other words you can in the third part of this book "Magic words to set life on the happy track" in Chapter 6 " Where and how to find the magic words".