If to look back, it is possible to find out, that not all people treat to you kindly, but such relation does not always pushe them on counteraction to you.В
At least, the quantity of the facts of counteraction known to you, at the close analysis is much less, than scope of those obstacles thatВ you shouldВ overcome in a life. If you ask a question " Why? ", the answer is obvious.
Actually, you do not know all your ill-wishers.
Moreover, you cannot suspect their existence, because it can be people not surrounding you. Nevertheless, they are real, have the character, and confidently harming you.
It is necessary for you to know all ill-wishers by sight, then you can resist all over again to them, and then get rid of them so that they did not prevent you to move to the happy side of a life.
If do not to know all ill wishers by sight, your life can depend on their whims which being realized, compel you to move aside opposite to the happy side of a life completely.
Having learned the basic ill-wishers by sight and having got rid of them, your dreams will start to be carried out quickly, and problems will thaw, as a last year's snow under warm beams of the smiling to you sun.
It is obvious and inevitable, because if you recollect, how your life is changed, after leaving any unpleasant colleague, so could you imagine, how would be good for you, if any serious wreckerВ will be left .
When you found out your basic ill-wishers in a life and get rid of them forever, you can easily solve yours problems, can easily do not allowed the occurrence of it again, will easily come to the happy side of a life and realize dreams.
Only skilled people are able to solve the problems and to embody the dreams. They have expelled the basic ill wishers from the life.
When people feel, what can be a life, having got rid from the basic ill-wishers, they understand, that now is possible for them the boundless success, they feel like munion of fortune, they can energeticly move to the happy life and realize the dreams.
When nobody prevents you, you can easily realize forethought, new opportunities are opened for you, if you want, you can always be in the center of attraction, feel as the strong personality and the person satisfied with a life.В When you get rid of your basic ill wishers, you will have the real cause for pride and you can get to the happy side of a life.
Indisputable fact is that overcoming of obstacles takes away forces and time. Therefore, if to get rid of the basic ill wishers who set to you every possible obstacle in a life, your life can turn to the most favorite holiday.
Find out your basic ill wishers in a life if something is not pleasant to you in today’s life.
Having got rid from the basic ill wishers, you give to yourselves a guarantee of free and cozy immersing in an atmosphere of the happy side of a life on the best resorts,В seas and oceans which have attracted to you.
You can meet the true love and open doors for a beautiful life. You become favorite among fair sex and В you will feel В instincts, insuperable and fine.
Every minute your basic ill-wishers transform your life into assembly not always very pleasant people for you, who at best do nothing that your life has turned to fascinating and pleasant game.
Successful career, time for rest and for private life are possible only when you find out and get rid of your basic ill-wishers, and to get rid of them is possible only knowing them by sight.
IfВ do not get rid, as soon as possible, every minute they will try to do best, that you could not improve the life, find harmony and be the happy person.В Who is your basic ill-wishers in a lifeВ I write in the second part of this book " Steps to gain the treasures of the life" in Chapter 20 " How to take pleasure and feel sweet of a lifeВ ".