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1. Simply rise and take the first step

2. Powerful hypnotic instrument

3. Start your way to the happy life side accurately

4. Do you fulfill your own desires?

5. You should find each other

6. Learn how people can grant your desires

7. Open and master a source of answers to all your questions

8. Learn to please yourself and people

9. Know your basic ill-wishers by sight

10. Feel subtle aroma of secrets

11. Find the adviser who will bring a huge favor to you

12. Seize power alchemy of transformation negative into positive

13. Be dipped into yoursВ internal source of power

14. Move to your dream as magic fairway

15. Take advantage of treasure belonging to you

16. Open the power of words

17. Nine brilliants of the absolute happiness

18. Learn to define magic words among other words

19. How you can reduce the way to the happy life side twice

20. Apply the magnetic method of drawing to you В happiness, pleasure and granting of your desires

21. Sacral mechanism - the golden section of white magic

22. Try on carnival mask of an ancient source

23. Connect the information with Power

24. Things have unique properties

25. Create a surprising atmosphere of mutual respect

26. Keys of motivation for your happy life

27. The unique method of transforming your dreams in reality

28. Secret springs of dialogue

29. Feel you are born for happiness

30 . The basic factor of your beautiful and independent happy life

How to get all the pleasures of the life.
Positive psychology. Book 1

14. Move to your dream as magic fairway

Have you ever heard the story about small island in Mediterranean sea, where travellers from northern coast of Africa to Southern coast of France sometimes stopped.  This island became well-known after the day, when the simple poor guy became the almighty and the richest person in the world. Once the simple poor guy stepped into the ground of this island and during short time found on it a cave, where was a huge chest.

He opened this chest and found out gold coins, scattering of sapphires, emeralds and brilliants of different size and a faceting in it. Also there were the finest necklaces, graceful ring and massive signet-ring. The simple poor guy left this cave as The Count of Monte Cristo. It is important to note that nobody from people visiting this island earlier,  could not find and did not search on it a cave and a chest with treasures.

The simple poor guy became The Count of Monte Cristo because  he had the plan precisely specifying where the cave with treasures was and how to get  into it. People visiting this island earlier had no such plan and consequently have missed the happiness. You should have plan the fulfillment of your desires and imagine your life on the happy side, but you most likely do not know it yet. 

If you knew it, probably you would read now not these lines, but the catalogue of the masterpieces exposed for sale on auction «Sotheby’s ". Nevertheless, you are the valid owner of the plan of transformation of your life into the life of your dream. If you do not want to possess this plan, it can seem strange, your dreams will for ever stay dreams, and desires will be granted slowly, that by the moment of their  fulfillment, it is possible  you will forgot about it  already .

It is necessary to make only twelve steps in order your dreams were fulfilled, and problems have turned to the steps leading to the highest position on the happy side of a life.  It is necessary to make exactly twelve steps because so many items are in plan of getting all you want. It is possible, because twelve items is not too many.

Following these twelve items, the destiny cannot object you because it will be not in its authority. Following these twelve items, you inevitably appear on the happy side of a life.  These twelve items should be followed by everyone who bothered to listen empty promises, everyone who tiered of heavy experiences. Following this plan, it is possible to get on the happy side of a life and to receive what it would be desirable.

Following these twelve items, it is possible to feel dizzy pleasure, that can give only happiness. When you follow last twelfth item of your personal plan most likely, you feel the pleasant shock, ending the long period of pleasure, that will last all your life. Most likely, at sight of you, people surrounding you, will be melted with love and you will be shine with happiness. I do not think, that pleasure can be intolerable; therefore hardly ever will bother you.

The fact that your plan from twelve items exists since your birth, is an indisputable fact. You'll be convinced, when you got acquainted with it.  Your memoirs from the childhood, at once, will coincide with the plan from twelve items, which you should get acquainted. This plan guarantees you, that everything you want, is ready to be realized so quickly as you can quickly execute only twelve items.

I want to recommend you to follow the plan of the embodiment of your dream and granting of your desires exactly in the course that prescribed by twelve items.  You must not change any point in the plan, otherwise your movement on the happy side of a life will be impossible. Exact actions, which you should execute, are specified in this plan.

Execute all precisely as it made The Count of Monte Cristo, following the plan and then your eyes will be perceived by people surrounding you, as sapphires due to which your sight will has magic properties. If you make a mistake in sequence of twelve items or decide to change their sequence or in general will prefer one or several items to not carry out, then your efforts will not lead to result that you expect.

You will find detailed plan of granting of your desires in the second part of this book "Steps to gain the treasures of the life" in Chapters 31 "How to realize your desires" and 32 "Everything will be as in your dreams"

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