Let's open a magic door behind which there are pleasant sensations, that the life has gone right. Behind this door, there is a time of freedom where it is much more pleasant things, than bad.
This door is a way to the happy side of a life. It is very strong and reliable because is aimed to protect inhabitants of the happy side of a life from unwelcome guests with bad intentions. It is not wooden and not iron, but very strong. It consists of words.
Words have a wonderful power, that as if with a wave of a magic wand your life would transfer on the happy side of a life. Words are powerful and are given to us from the birth completely free-of-charge.
We declare love by words.
We write words on bank receipts, then money begin the movement aside from your purse or it is direct on your credit card, having placed in a ATM , you easy, having typed some figures, can receive the whole roll.
Some ATM allow you to receive up to 20000 dollars day. If it is not enough, you simply go in any bank, with the help of words explain employees, that you want to cash the necessary sum and receive it when you want.
Everything depends on words. Told by you or the words written on a paper possess magic force to bring happiness or tortures in a life.
The most surprising is, that owning art of selection of words, you are guaranteed build your future. Each your day depends on the order of the words told or written by you. The power and even magic are concentrated in words. Nobody can deny it.
There is a similar mysterious history connected to the power of words. The majority of people due to power of words and instead of taking advantage of this power, as a rule, directs this power unconscious against themselves.
It is difficult to understand, why realizing power of words, the majority of people does not use this power for a happy life and on the contrary exhausts themselves in difficult situations.
The God has given us freedom of choice of words and freedom of choice of a word order. Words and word order are accessible to us even more, than air. It is enough to you to learn to select correctly words, correctly to form them and there will be nothing impossible for you.
This is axiom, that does not demand any proofs. So why obvious axiom is not used by you, in order to wake up every morning with pleasure, spend every day in a condition of happiness and never get tired in a life.
The reason probably is that the world carefully protects the powerful secrets. In addition, secret of power of words is one of basic secrets of a human life.
If you open secret of power of words, inhabitants of the happy side of a life will joyfully welcome you as compatriot. Owning a secret of power of words, you will feel so calm as behind a stone wall.
If in your heart or in heart of your favorite person slightly fade the passion, with the help of secret of words you easily will kindle her with new force. With the help of secret of words, you will easily waken desire in people to care of you.
With the help of secret of power of words, you can earn so much money, as you want. You will have enough money even if you decide to become the prodigal person.
Full freedom of actions belongs to those who own a secret of power of words because with the help of words you can palpitate soul and a body of that person who is pleasant to you. You can bathe in love so much, as you want.
As soon as you will open for yourself secret of words, you can immediately feel charm and be convinced that now you are able to gain absolutely everything.
Your hopes will start to coincide with the facts of your life in which you can afford delicacies, regular visiting of the cosmetician, the masseur, a solarium and pool with mineral water.
The secret of power of words will transform you into the powerful wizard or the kind magician. Open for yourself secret of words and start feel perfectly without any reason.
The secret of power of words is a guarantee that you can construct paradise around yourself that i named the happy side of a life. Not owning a secret of words, the maximum, what can take pleasure the person is imaginations, that is given us by the God to push the person to act. Open secret of power of words and feel simultaneously inflow of forces and slackness. The house, family, children, the prestigious machine, interesting work and pleasant rest, all this you can get with the help of secret of power of words.
When the secret of words remains a secret for the person, other people, that have already opened it, will seem to you favorite of fortune; in reality they have simply opened secret of power of words.
The secret of words expects you in the third part of this book "Magic words to set life on the happy track" in Chapter 2 "Secret of influence of words on you and on your interlocutors".