Some my programs and electronic books can be received after payment.
People Sometimes ask me, why some materials are accessible only after payment.
*** Hello, ! Help me to understand please!!! I ask you, because you are clever person and it is obvious! Tell me, please, why do you sell the programs, instead of distribute them free-of-charge? Knowledge should be distributed free-of-charge, in fact, it is so natural and fine to brighten up people and to help them!
The answer:
This is Good question. I answer on it with pleasure. For the beginning, ask yourself why candles, prayer books are sold in churches instead of distribution them free-of-charge; why almost everything are done in churches for money?
For example, in an orthodox cathedral in Nice you can enter if you pay 3 Euros. Moreover, such statements as we are all creature of God, but we have not open free-of-charge access in a temple in Nice.
It occurs not because the church thirsts money but wants that sacraments were effective. Only having mixed one’s energy with sacrament, it is possible to receive desirable result, just as the log can be moved only if to make effort.
Money is an equivalent of efforts necessary for interlacement with sacraments. Knowledge is one of sacrament and getting them free-of-charge the person waste time. I do not want to waste your time because , in my opinion, it is invaluable.
l do not know whence has appeared the opinion, that knowledge is possible to receive free-of-charge and thus to take advantage of them effectively. In ancient China pupils who could not pay to the Teacher, remained with him in the house and by their work paid for knowledge.
In the modern world, in that part, where the state gives the citizens knowledge, this knowledge are paid also, are paid by parents of pupils as taxes.
Knowledge is mastered only when they are penetrated with energy of the person, which can be submitted as money or as work.
In a case when knowledge is not bound with energy of the person, they are not perceived by this person properly. Therefore, I aspire to appoint such floor price for my programs and electronic books, that would be useful.
I cannot appoint the price for my programs and electronic books and other information lower, than it is necessary, in my opinion, for mastering and reception of practical result by the person, thirsting knowledge.
I describe this mechanism detailed in my electronic book " Steps to gain the treasures of the life ". You can buy it and get acquainted with this law of energy
The statistics shows, that when people say they do not have money for purchase of programs and electronic books, after careful studying of their financial situation it turns out, that in 90 cases from 100 it is a question of their priorities instead of money.
They buy computers, pay for study, pay for an apartment, pay for mobile communication, pay for clothes more, than could, have a rest at clubs and in the summer on resorts. It is also their priorities.
When people understand, that my doctrines is what they need, in this case my programs and electronic books are set in their priorities.
When priorities are determined, people, paying for my programs and electronic books, wittingly invest money in the happy future and actively form it.
I wish you Happiness and Prosperities.