The humankind during the existence has invented a lot of money. During different epoch, there was different money and currencies. Money and currencies always shared on two categories, one category you know and use, and the second is used only by those, who know a way or lives on the happy side of a life. In the modern world, the most known currencies are dollars, euro, gold bullion, the Japanese yens and many other national currencies of the different countries of the world.
In addition, none of the listed currencies is not currency due to which it is possible to get on the happy side of a life. Every above-listed currencies will belong to the person in abundance only after he will start to use currency, which a life accepts for granting of his desires. In addition, among his desires can be such, as possession unlimited quantity of currency of this or that country. Possession this or that quantity of currency of any country is possible only in exchange for currency, which accepts a life in exchange for fulfillment of desires. This mysterious currency, that accepts a life for fulfillment of any your desires is available for you in unlimited quantity from the birth, but nobody probably don’t inform you about your treasure.
Probably you were not informed about your treasure because people are unaware of it. However, you should know, that you possess infinite riches in currency, that accepts a life for fulfillment of any your desire and for the invitation you to the happy side of a life.
Fulfillment of all your desires is possible only after you will learn, where is the treasure granted to you from the birth.
It is necessary to make only a few deliberate actions with the help of mind to understand the treasure you possess. It is possible, because your mind is already trained in various educational institutions and tempered by vicissitudes of your fate and therefore it wouldn’t be the big problem to mind to find your treasures. You do not need to search intellectual confirmations of that information that became known to you now. You need to be convinced of the boundless of your well-being immediately.
All inhabitants of the happy side of a life found the place on the happy side of a life only after the finding the inexhaustible source of currency that accepts a life for fulfilment of your desires.
Certainly, you need experience in use of this currency. Having learned to use this currency, you can get everything you want.
You can get and take pleasure in everything that the human genius has invented.
Your life can vary so quickly as your idea is fast. You can always act, when you want. Any wonderful changes and joyful excitements will be accessible to you.
Not on pictures in glossy magazines but in facts of your life you can see champagne on the served little table near your, while you taking aromatic bath in one of fine hotels of Venice or Rome.
The pineapples, cut by slices on your served little table, will testify that you possess in unlimited quantity currency that accepts a life for fulfillment of any your desires.
I think, it would be correct if you would learn, how to use the treasure belonging to you from the birth, the treasure consisting of currency, that accepts a life for fulfillment of any your desires so fast as possible.
Certainly, it is possible to wait and live the life you have got used, instead of a life of your dream. A choice is your sacred right.
Every day you should choose something. In the morning you choose, what clothes to dress, than where to have breakfast. Going on work, you choose a route and means of travel. On work, you choose how to communicate with one or another person.
In a lunch break, you choose, where and for what sum you have dinner. Coming back home, you choose, how you spend the evening, when go to bed, how spend your night and when in the morning you will wake up again.
You have already got used to choose and for, certain, will make a correct choice. I am convinced that your choice will be for the benefit of currency, that accepts a life for fulfillment of any your desires because it is reasonable.
If you will prefer to make other choice, it will be reasonable in the event, that the schedule of your tomorrow's and the next days is pleasant to you.
More detail about currency that accepts a life for fulfillment of any your desires, I write in the second part of this book "Steps to gain the treasures of the life" in Chapter 34 "Beatitude that lasts all your life".