There are secrets in a life, that can set you on the track to the happy side of a life. Due to these secrets the life of owners of these secrets so strikingly differs in the best way from a life of people, who do not own these secrets.
People who possess secrets of a life on the happy side, are like a manageable frigate flying with all sails and filled with materialized desires and smiles of happiness.
This frigate by one's own wish, in one's own opportune moment travels from one fine place of the happy side to other finer place.
Theses secrets allow to enjoy a life, the life is controlled and predicted. The life of those who does not know these secrets is empiric, dangerous, stressed and is frequently very sad.
It is pleasant, interesting and favorable to own secrets, which allow enjoying a life on the happy side, because problems are solved quickly, easily and effectively.
Moreover, more often you will never find problems on the happy side of a life, because all of them are transformed by you to appreciable advantages.
This knowladge is kept in secret. However, if someone has clued a secret, all secrets become obvious.
If someone could learn and comprehend secrets, you also can learn and comprehend them.
Certainly it is not simply to learn and comprehend any secrets, but if to put efforts, and accumulate experience, it is real to reach what we want. Recollect the life and before your eyes will emerge that experience which you have.
This experience helps you to live and this experience helps you to learn and understand any secrets, including secrets, that allow to enjoy life on the happy side.
Knowing these secrets, your footwear always will be convenient and beautiful. Knowing these secrets, if you want, you can always start new romance or revive former relations. Knowing these secrets, your skin can be similar to silk and a velvet simultaneously.
Knowing these secrets you always will have a lot of free time and always there will be good neighbors because on the happy side of a life, there are only good neighbors and each minute becomes special.
Knowing these secrets your life will be filled with enchanting colors in the afternoon and fireworks of lights at night.
All will be clear to you, you always will like to significant other very much and to children. People aspire to these secrets, submitting to the relentless law of the nature, that says, that the happiness can be only on the happy side of a life.
The life on the happy side of a life is possible for you, it is obvious and does not require any proofs.
The knowledge of secrets is a guarantee of getting into the happy side of a life and hear a kind, soft and strong voice whence from above, that will tell to you "Welcome home ".
Probably after that you never recollect, that once something did not suffice you. When something does not suffice the person, and his desires are not granted, his nerves stretch, playing a melody of his life and then are torn as strings of Paganini violin. It is not necessary to wait when strings will be torn and the life will plunge into a hopelessness.
It is necessary to learn and comprehend these secrets. If there is such opportunity perhaps, you should comprehend it. In fact, if do not seize it, how will you know how should you facilitate your life, to decorate the house and always to be surrounded by reliable and favorite people?
Do You feel imperceptible aroma of secrets, that allow enjoying a life on the happy side? That is right; one of this secrets is near you. You will find it in the second part of this book "Steps to gain the treasures of the life" in Chapter 23 "Secret that is inaccessible to the ordinary people".