In order to start to induce and convince the person or group of people to grant your desires, to solve your problems or to embody your dreams, it is necessary to be in touch with them in one way or another.
In order to get in touch with people, it is necessary to be able to communicate. There are effective and inefficient communications. In order to communicate effectively it is necessary to know secret springs of dialogue.
If doesn`t know secret springs of communications, the dialogue turns in inefficient one. Inefficient dialogue is such dialogue when you do not induce and convince the person or group of people to grant your desires, but people compel you to grant their desire.
The majority of people do not know how to communicate effectively; they try to communicate as short as possible with other people, so that inefficient dialogue in their life would be as short as possible.
The result of realization of such vital position is artificial limiting of communication, such dialogue deprive an opportunity to induce and convince people.
When the person knows secret springs of dialogue, his dialogue always is effective, pleasant, interesting and brings him only Success.
Become the owner of secret springs and you will never hear any objections concerning your happy stay on the happy life side. It is possible and real, because effective dialogue depends on the secret springs.
When you own secret springs, you have answers completely to all possible questions because in your hands there is a valuable, useful and desired information for your interlocutor.
It is possible to distinguish effective and inefficient dialogue easily. If while communicating, you finish conversation and promptly go to grant desire of your interlocutor or you are filled with sensation of dissatisfaction and weariness, efficiency of your dialogue should be improved. If after conversation your interlocutor places in its plans action that conduct or promote granting of your desires, it means you had a effective talk.
When you constantly communicate and talk effectively get experience that cannot be found in audiences because it is true and is got by you in practical situations when you have achieved from the interlocutor the result pleasant for you.
If you start to write down in a beautiful notebook the beautiful handle results of your meetings and dialogue with people, you will be surprised that all results of these meetings is far from your satisfaction.
You can find out suddenly, that you spend time on happiness of people who in reply to your efforts do not make for you so much, how many you make for them. In other words, you find out very inadequate situation.
Having found out such situation and taken advantage of secret springs of dialogue, you can change everything radically. With the help of secret springs your notebook will be filled quickly by the list of only effective meetings and contacts.
Everything, what your heart wants can become the result of your dialogue with people with the help of secret springs of dialogue. You feel that you are created for happiness and become the happy person, because now people will bring the fair contribution to improvement of your life.
You can feel how your heart will start joyfully beaten, when you get something what you want. You will receive from the favorite person more love, from the employer more money, from colleagues more respect and from happy Fate more attention.
You should not hold breath in adverse situations any more, because it cannot take place never in your life any more.
People who you communicate, will aspire to execute everything for you. It is the fact to be happy is never late. To prove this fact, you can see certificates at faces of children and at faces of people of middle age. People want and dare to smile with happiness when they have even one opportunity.
Having seized secret springs of dialogue you can personally possess unlimited amount of opportunities to smile with happiness and to endow with an opportunity to smile with happiness those people who surround you and who love you.
Seize secret springs of dialogue and you can find a guarantee that your dialogue will be effective. Records of effective meetings in your notebook will start to dominant over the list of inefficient meetings and then completely supersede.
Let us look at watch and find out, when the next meeting expects you. How do you think, would it be effective or inefficient? How do you think, how many meetings expecting you, promise to be inefficient?
Do you want all your meetings became effective, and people whom you communicate, at last, would began to put sufficient and fair quantity of the efforts to realize your desires?
If your answer to this question is "yes", take advantage by secret springs of dialogue during next your dialogue and after that write down in the notebook your first realized victory over disharmonious and unfair situations.
So, gain victory after victory, you feel yourself as the winner in a life and the happy side of a life will open before you the embraces to be glad together with you.
Your life at last becomes such what it should be; instead of live, that is constantly obtruded upon circumstances. People who you communicate create circumstances, therefore it is reasonable, communicating with people to use secret springs of dialogue.
I write about secret springs of dialogue in the third part of this book "Magic words to set life on the happy track" in Chapter 29 "The almighty, perfect and confidential formula of communication" and Chapter 31 "Control your Destiny and create a happy life".