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1. Simply rise and take the first step

2. Powerful hypnotic instrument

3. Start your way to the happy life side accurately

4. Do you fulfill your own desires?

5. You should find each other

6. Learn how people can grant your desires

7. Open and master a source of answers to all your questions

8. Learn to please yourself and people

9. Know your basic ill-wishers by sight

10. Feel subtle aroma of secrets

11. Find the adviser who will bring a huge favor to you

12. Seize power alchemy of transformation negative into positive

13. Be dipped into yoursВ internal source of power

14. Move to your dream as magic fairway

15. Take advantage of treasure belonging to you

16. Open the power of words

17. Nine brilliants of the absolute happiness

18. Learn to define magic words among other words

19. How you can reduce the way to the happy life side twice

20. Apply the magnetic method of drawing to you В happiness, pleasure and granting of your desires

21. Sacral mechanism - the golden section of white magic

22. Try on carnival mask of an ancient source

23. Connect the information with Power

24. Things have unique properties

25. Create a surprising atmosphere of mutual respect

26. Keys of motivation for your happy life

27. The unique method of transforming your dreams in reality

28. Secret springs of dialogue

29. Feel you are born for happiness

30 . The basic factor of your beautiful and independent happy life

How to get all the pleasures of the life.
Positive psychology. Book 1

11. Find the adviser who will bring a huge favor to you

Many people search for a shoulder upon which it is possible to rely on or the instructor who helps to bypass adverse situations. Searches can proceed since the earliest childhood and up to middle age. 

A few manage to find such person whom they search. Often a person can open his heart to somebody, assuming, that before him  is  instructor and the support, and then after a while is found out, that heart was mistaken. It is difficult to find a support among people, who are in constant struggle.

However, it is possible to find the adviser who will bring huge advantage to you . This adviser wants and will care of you and will give you only true advices. If not to find such adviser, the person continues to feel lonely and search for supports. Positions of such person are felt as weakened, and his desires are carried out only after long considering which in fact is a loss of time, and after reception of bruises and grazes from a life during realization of a trial and error method.

Finding of the adviser who brings huge advantage, transforms our life into the direct road leading to the happy side of a life.  Road becomes straight line because our adviser supplies us with the exact information, where is this direct road. The found adviser precisely knows, when, as well as with what speed it is necessary to move to the happy side of a life and how  to be equipped and become happy.

You should not solve problems independently, to make the plan of the actions without a support on the clever and skilled adviser. This adviser always will help you, will prompt, will adjust on success, and will fill you with forces to excel it because it possesses experience.

His experience is that necessary knowledge that allows to reach the happy side of a life to each person because with the help of this knowledge other people have already reached the happy side of a life and cozy live there.Having found the adviser, your will have exultant mood. If you want to know, how miracles are created, your adviser will tell you. His advice will fill you with sensation of something good and pleasant that you did never feel before.

His information possesses mystical authority to come true. Everything comes true. If you want to have tremendous sunburn, you will have it. With the help of received advice your life will change in the wonderful way and becomes happy. Advice of your consultant is like magic because even the most improbable desires can come true. The adviser will recommend the woman how to operate men and to the man how to take pleasure in dialogue with women.

Your adviser can inform you as you can become a star and as the dream of all your life can become a reality. If you with delight will tell to the adviser about the fine machine, about a magnificent fur coat, about desirable romantic relation it can tell you how  you can receive it. Due to your adviser, if you want, you can cause admiration and entirely capture attention of those who is pleasant to you. If you want, people, who like you, will start to breathe at your presence convulsively and nervously, going to grant your desires.

Your adviser possesses the facts, studying which every day  you  will become wiser and wiser, because you will study not on your own mistakes, but due to experience and wisdom of your adviser. Ask yourself, whether you want to find the wise adviser? 

Do You want to receive knowledge that is guaranteed to bring huge advantage to you? Do You want to receive advice, that will remove forever from your life lack of means, unsettled state of habitation, absence of an opportunity to travel by car, which you like?

If you will answer in affirmative these questions, I think, you are ready to find the adviser who can bring huge advantage to you . Absence of such adviser compels the person to waste time and feel a pain.

If you want to know how to find the adviser who will bring a huge advantage to you, you can read about it in the second part of this book "Steps to gain the treasures of the life" in Chapter 25 "Secret of your happy future".


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